Beauty can come from the strangest of places, even the most disgusting of places.

I don’t want to do a cocktail party. I’d rather people left my shows and vomited.

I like the idea of infiltrating an area that is not really exposed to me or my work.

It's almost like putting armor on a woman. It's a very psychological way of dressing.

London's where I was brought up. It's where my heart is and where I get my inspiration.

I just want to be a wallflower. Nondescript. Just not anything. I don't want to see me.

People don't want to see clothes, they want to see something that fuels the imagination.

It's the ugly things I notice more, because other people tend to ignore the ugly things.

My relationships with producers or photographers - these are relationships that took years.

Animals fascinate me because you can find a force, an energy, a fear that also exists in sex.

I never look at other people's work. My mind has to be completely focused on my own illusions.

There is no way back for me now, I'm going to take you on journeys you've never dreamed possible

Rap music's been around for too long now to be inspirational. The words are, but the music isn't.

There has to be a balance between your mental satisfaction and the financial needs of your company.

It needs to connect with the earth. Things that are processed and reprocessed lose their substance.

It's good to know where you come from. It makes you what you are today. It's DNA, it's in your blood.

For me, what I do is an artistic expression which is channeled through me. Fashion is just the medium.

When I'm dead and gone, people will know that the twenty-first century was started by Alexander McQueen.

I come from a different era and I design clothes for our era. I think of people I want to dress when I design.

I spent a long time learning how to construct clothes, which is important to do before you can deconstruct them.

Let me not forget the use of my own hands, that of a craftsman with eyes... that reflect the technology around me.

There are only a handful of designers that influence other designers, and I have to keep one step ahead of the game.

You've got to know the rules to break them. That's what I'm here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition.

You can only go forward by making mistakes. I'm twenty-seven, not fifty-seven. I'm not Givenchy, I'm Alexander McQueen.

Some couture collections have everything including the kitchen sink! Everything gets thrown on to make it look expensive.

Of course I make mistakes. I'm human. If I didn't make mistakes, I'd never learn. You can only go forward by making mistakes.

Youth culture now really looks back and embraces the past, but keeps it contemporary but not sticking to one particular style.

I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern, very now - no one wears head-to-toe designer anymore.

There comes a time in your life when you focus solely on what you believe is right, regardless of what everybody else is doing.

I think there is beauty in everything. What 'normal' people would perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it.

The turnover of fashion is just so quick and so throwaway, and I think that is a big part of the problem. There is no longevity.

I can design a collection in a day and I always do, cause I've always got a load of Italians on my back, moaning that it's late.

I'm prepared to forget about money if it affects my creativity because, remember, I started off with nothing. And I can do that again.

When you see a woman wearing McQueen, there’s a certain hardness to the clothes that makes her look powerful. It kind of fends people off.

I came to terms with not fitting in a long time ago. I never really fitted in. I don't want to fit in. And now people are buying into that.

People find my things sometimes aggressive. But I don't see it as aggressive. I see it as romantic, dealing with a dark side of personality.

When a woman gets dressed up to go out at night, she wants to give 50% away, and hold the rest back. If you're an open book, there's no allure.

As a designer, you've always got to push yourself forward; you've always got to keep up with the trends or make your own trends. That's what I do.

For a long time I was looking for my perfect equilibrium, my mojo. And now I think I'm getting there: I've found my customer, my silhouette, my cut.

If you're lucky enough to use something you see in a dream, it is purely original. It's not in the world - it's in your head. I think that is amazing.

I believe in that one-on-one sell. I don't really believe in flooding the market with loads of goods that don't mean much, and you lose your identity.

For people who know McQueen, there is always an underlying message. It's usually only the intellectual ones who understand what's going on in what I do.

What I do is look at ancient African tribes, and the way they dress. The rituals of how they dress. . . . There's a lot of tribalism in the collections.

I'm about what goes through people's minds. The stuff that people don't want to admit or face up to. The shows are about what's buried in people's psyches.

It's not my vision when I cover a woman's face with a chador. I got the idea from a 'National Geographic' photo. I'm just showing their plight in the world.

I find it grotesque when clothes hit you in the face and there's no room for fault. But I don't expect to turn things around all by myself. I'm not a saint.

If you ask any lady they want to be taller, they want to be slimmer, you know, and they want a waist. I'm not here to make people look like a sack of potatoes.

British fashion is self confident and fearless. It refuses to bow to commerce, thus generating a constant flow of new ideas whilst drawing in British heritage.

I use things that people want to hide in their heads. War, religion, sex; things we all think about, but don’t bring to the forefront. But I do and I force them to watch it

I have been skiing since I was in school, but I'm not great. I am never going to break an Olympic record, I just want to go down the hills, on red or blue runs, but not... black.

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