Candy Crowley's hair is PERFECT!!

My favorite ginger is Prince Harry!

I'm an NRA-certified Expert Rifleman.

I absolutely love low-key restaurants.

Just go with your gut and communicate.

I'm a lifetime St. Louis Cardinals fan.

I've been gay since the day I was born.

I may be a man, but I fight like a girl.

I'm happy to be everybody's gay best friend.

There's nothing I don't love about 'Mad Men.'

I didn't have a role model when I was younger.

I love Jimmy Fallon; he's always a great time.

Amy Sedaris makes me laugh harder than anybody.

I love divas. Madonna, Mariah, Beyonce, Britney.

Sometimes the name is funnier than the game itself.

I am so proud of 'Top Chef' - I think it's got great cred.

In the case of Tori Spelling, there were two apology emails.

Prince Harry is like the biggest international star there is.

Dreams are really boring, but every so often I threw in a doozy.

TV was my hobby. I loved the glitz. I loved how hot everybody was.

I never say I work in television, I say I get to work in television.

Follow your passion. Be yourself, but check yourself before you wreck yourself.

The thing that's fun about the 'Housewives' is talking to your friends about it.

Amber Rose is NOT Charlie's [Rose] cousin. I just want to make sure people know.

The Internet is for haters. Everyone wants to knock somebody down, but it's cool.

Like when I host a party. I hope my guests get along. But if not, how interesting!

The very idea of printing my diary has always struck me as completely superficial.

I love 'Top Chef.' I think it rewrote the book on how food shows are presented on TV.

I'd like to think, that were he alive today, Warhol would be painting the Housewives.

I ran into Woody Allen shooting a movie on my block. I can't believe this is my life!

Certainly when you read someone's diary [ superficial] that's a word that jumps to mind.

I've been nominated for 12 Emmys, and we won - for 'Top Chef' - the only time I didn't go.

I'd like to think, that were he alive today, Andy Warhol would be painting the Housewives.

I better be honest about my feelings, even those involving loneliness, jealousy, and fear.

Fame does different things to different people. For some people it makes them a better person.

I love getting into restaurants and getting free stuff - that part of fame I definitely enjoy!

I usually do drive-by insults, and keep moving until I realize the next day how horrible I am.

After three straight years of writing, though, I definitely needed a break to just go live my life.

I love the term "everything is copy," attributed to Nora Ephron, which was my guiding principle as I wrote.

I talk, watch TV, spout opinions, schmooze, negotiate, talk some more, play games, and have a little cocktail.

I always wanted to be an anchorman, but after college I wound up working behind the scenes at CBS News for 10 years.

I cannot believe the volume of famous people I run into in my life, and that's part of the reason I love diary format.

I hope people will find the book [Superficial: More Adventures from the Andy Cohen Diaries] a whole lot more than hollow.

When you're taking your one-thousandth selfie of the day that might be the moment you try to kill the person by lethal hugging!

Jenny McCarthy was the one I thought could turn me straight. I thought that if I could just get my shot with her, it could happen.

The one guiding principle over my 23-year career in TV has been as long as I'm having fun, I really don't care what the job title is.

I am a late discoverer of 'Friday Night Lights.' I cry every episode at least once. I love to cry - happy, emotional tears. I just love it.

I think [Anderson Cooper ] and me both enjoy working, and don't consider it "work," so as long as I'm having fun I will continue at this pace.

People don't get drafted into being housewives. It's a voluntary experience, so people are putting themselves into this situation voluntarily.

It's so mental how I looked in the '90s. The fact that I thought my ponytail was a good thing - it was just terrible. Cutting it off was so monumental.

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