At one point in your life, you'll have the thing you want or the ...

At one point in your life, you'll have the thing you want or the reasons why you don't.

If nothing else, I'm a decent quote.

My entire career, I've been a worker.

I'm the most successful bad player ever.

I'm still missing that little something.

I like grass, I enjoy it and it suits my game.

The only pressure I feel is what I put on myself.

There have been great champions in every generation.

Stay in school kids or you'll end up being an umpire.

I kind of know youre only as good as your last result.

I've been good about keeping my nose to the grindstone.

I've got more out of tennis than I could ever give back.

I'm an emotional player ... I like to leave it out there.

I don't think anyone in their right mind takes me serious.

I want everyone to look back and think that I was awesome.

Stay in college, kids. Otherwise, you may become an umpire.

For every bad moment I've had, there have been 25 positives.

I don't care when people use the term 'one-Slam wonder' with me.

The whole point of team competition is to pick your teammates up.

I try not to take myself too seriously. I like to have a good time.

I'm convinced being a tennis analyst is the easiest job in the world.

I used to go to the US Open on my birthdays and sit in the nosebleeds.

I still don't believe I won the U.S. Open. It's so far-fetched for me.

It seems with every match I win, I get better-looking to other people.

I think the medical term for the injury is 'the bottom of my ass hurts.'

I'm gonna have to start winning some of the matches to call it a rivalry!

If I wore a sleeveless shirt, people would try to feed me after the match.

My serve has killed a small dog ... I'm joking, I'm joking! The dog was huge!

I cook a little - I've never taken classes or anything - but enough to get by.

You can get the true essence of New Yorkers by just hanging out in Central Park

In the States, tennis is sixth or seventh on the totem pole as far as sports go.

You can get the true essence of New Yorkers by just hanging out in Central Park.

Once you get to a certain level, anybody can beat anybody else on any given day.

I always said if I had to pick one Grand Slam to win, it would be the U.S. Open.

I think if I believe in something strongly enough, I'm pretty outspoken about it.

One of the cool things I remember is the Swiss people brought their big cowbells.

I think I've always had a decent perspective on wins and losses on the tennis court.

I've always, for whatever my faults have been, felt like I've never done anything halfway.

I'm not the savior of men's tennis in America. I'm just a kid trying to win a few matches.

Is that the longest fifth set ever? It was? So, no, I've never played one longer than that!

You know, you can only throw in so many haymakers before one misses and you get knocked out

You know, you can only throw in so many haymakers before one misses and you get knocked out.

Tennis is a full-time job and not just the two hours that people see when we're on the court.

Umpiring, the only job in the world where you can screw up on a daily basis and still have one!

I'm not going to go run and hide because I'm catching some heat. I'm not going to stay at home and pout.

If I can break one out of every three return games, I'm going to give myself a shot in a lot of matches.

I don't have much interest in being on a senior tour. I don't think I retired so that I could be on tour.

I played basketball in high school, and I love watching sports - I'll watch everything except maybe hockey.

There's no home team in tennis, no built-in fan base, so the players have to step up and do their fair share.

I don't think I'm one of those guys who won't pick up a racket for three years...I love hitting tennis balls.

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