I love Tina Turner.

I like Chelsea Handler.

Longevity is a big deal.

I'm not a shock jock at all.

I didn't have money growing up.

Bigger risk equals bigger reward.

My house always had all the junk food.

K. Michelle was the worst guest for me.

I think sometimes people get distracted in interviews.

I stay away from caffeine. I've never even tried coffee.

I've always had to make sure I pay my blessings forward.

I'm not into revenge anymore, I just let go and let God.

Sundays are the one day of the week I might cook for myself.

If someone works with me, I try to take them to the next level.

Be humble, don't have too much pride and think you're too good for anything.

Atlanta is a huge part of the music scene and a large part of Hollywood now.

I do believe that when you are a good person, good things will happen to you.

I've had to deal with racism, sexism, rumors, malice, a little bit of everything.

I feel best when I get to go running or hit the gym, but sometimes I just have no time.

I love Brooklyn so much. Everything I do I try to do in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is my home base.

I started my career as an assistant for Wu-Tang Clan, then transitioned into urban marketing.

I think for a lot of people, when you're starting something new, everyone is so excited about it.

D-Nice has shown us what is possible and how music can bring people together and virtual parties.

Lip Service' was initially a segment. It was so popular that Sirius wanted to make it its own show.

I used to drink soda everyday, Hi-C everyday, and Hawaiian punch. That's how I grew up in Brooklyn.

Always look nice because you never know who you'll run into that you have to leave an impression on.

I've dated mostly guys who have corporate jobs and there's always the issue of them thinking my job is easy.

I pay attention to what goes into my body. Juicing has been important for me. When I was younger, I was so unhealthy.

It's important to have a good sense of style that sets you apart, so you're not just forgotten after somebody meets you.

Purple is my favorite color. It makes me think of spring and summer. A purple dress, eating grapes, lilacs - I love purple.

When I was in high school, if one of my friends got pregnant, I'd be the first person they'd come to. I never was judgmental.

I live in Bed-Stuy. I'm from Flatbush. It's not that easy to find places that are close by that I feel offer healthy options.

I'm so used to getting up at 4 A.M. for work that sleeping 'til seven on a Sunday feels like sleeping in to me. So that's what I do.

Society makes victims feel that they put themselves in a compromising position and therefore share in the responsibility of being violated.

I think in general the Zoom interviews are harder because of the slight delay and then trying to jump in and ask questions can be more difficult.

I like when I do interviews with an artist and they may not have liked an artist at first but after they see my interview they'll like them better.

My whole thing is this - and this is how I am in real life - if you start talking to me crazy, I'm not engaging in that. I'm just not saying anything.

The good thing about radio is that it's the kind of career that really is a career with longevity. It's something you can do as long as you want to do.

I never expect someone to work with me forever. I want to give you the experience needed so that when it is time to pursue what you want to in life you are ready.

I think I put myself in a position where I have all kinds of opportunities available to me, if God forbid something doesn't work out, at least I have other options.

I know how difficult it is to be not just a woman, but a black woman, and I know how much we get attacked and our voices aren't heard. I experience it every single day.

I've seen people 'turn up' for the camera, thinking that this is the best way to maximize their platform and get more camera time. This formula works, but it's shortsighted.

For myself, I never thought that I'd ever be able to even buy a house. Sometimes when you don't have it, and you're not surrounded my entrepreneurs, you don't think about it.

As a Brooklynite, this borough holds a special place in my heart, and I'm excited to represent BSE Global and identify opportunities that elevate our community to new heights.

You're more powerful when you are working with other women, when you're helping other women out, when you're going to them for mentorship; we are all beneficial to each other.

I travel a lot and all different kinds of people come up to me and talk to me about 'The Breakfast Club.' Our audience is very diverse, because we have diverse topics and guests.

You have to be nice to everybody, regardless of their position because you never know - they could be the next David Geffen. David Geffen started in the mailroom. Treat everybody the same.

Ever since I was young, I've been the person who people come to when they need to vent or get an opinion. Even my friends' parents would ask me for advice. I'm very practical and non-judgmental.

The important thing is I've always been a responsible person. As a woman, too, you have to be a lot stronger. Things are always happening that if you let it bother you, you'll be mad all the time.

I love doing interviews but yeah, I hope to have a long career like Wendy Williams, like Angie Martinez has or just a lot of people in radio that I look up to. Howard Stern has had a really long career.

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