I just go where the guitar takes me.

'Rock Or Bust' is a thing we've always done.

My ambition was just to be able to play guitar.

My part in AC/DC is just adding the color on top.

The guitar can go at a scream. It can yell at you.

We're not the prettiest bunch of animals in the world.

In our hands, even the straightest lyric sounded shady.

Key to longevity... drinking embalming fluid every year.

Yes, we're still five little people with a noisy attitude.

I've got the blues in my heart, and the devil in my fingers.

The biggest tragedy we had early on was when Bon Scott died.

To me, meeting Buddy Guy was like meeting a piece of history.

I wouldn't know any newer bands. We're past the pimple stage.

We're a rock group. we're noisy, rowdy, sensational and weird.

The playing is great. The traveling is tough. It's a hard thing.

I think we're just one of those bands that we know what we do best.

When we grew up, Australia was the land of opportunity; it really was.

There's more to playing the guitar than being able to split your legs.

We came out in the midst of the hippie hangover. All this mellow music.

We've been involved in a lot of albums that were really rushed at the end.

I think that's what it is with rock music. It helps you hang tough, I guess.

By the way he carried himself, you really thought that Bon Scott was immortal.

Soloing was pretty easy for me because it was probably the first thing I've ever done.

I used to run home from school, pick up my guitar, and lock myself in my room and play.

In the real world, people just get on with their lives. And that's where AC/DC come in.

Hearing a lot of early rock n' roll records from a very young age was a huge influence.

A good record is one where I can tap my toes. I always say let your feet do the thinking.

What we admit to is being a rock n' roll band. From day one, I was a big Chuck Berry fan.

I never thought of us as a punk band, a metal band, or a new wave band. Just as a band band.

You've got to love what you do. You've got to like doing it, because it is a lot of your life.

We knew when we started we wouldn't be accepted overnight, that it was going to be a long haul.

The best AC/DC cover I've heard? There was an all-girl cover band in America, the Hell's Belles.

The school suit allows me to be an extrovert. Basically, I'm the opposite of what I am on stage.

A lot of people say, 'AC/DC - that's the band with the little guy who runs around in school shorts!'

There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs, but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans.

For me, New York has always been a city of unpredictability. You can never guess what's going to happen next.

The hardcore fans have hung with us because they go, 'Hey, they don't disappoint.' And we stick to that style.

I've been shocked for a long time in a lot of circumstances. I get shocked when they say, 'Hey, we're paying ya.'

I've heard people say all our music sounds the same, but it's usually just the people who don't like us who say it.

I don't like to play above or below people's heads. Basically, I just like to get up in front of a crowd and rip it up.

I plug into a lot of old rock & roll. Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis - I love all that stuff.

We want to appeal to everyone and get rich quick. We want to be millionaires. I've got this plan to buy Tasmania you see.

I love the music from Nat King Cole, BB King, Albert King... When I think of it, I wouldn't mind being renamed Angus King.

If I heard a noise at night, I'd think there was a burglar sneaking around; the first thing I'd do was check on my guitar.

Most people can do what I do - they can do guitar solos - but they can't do a good, hard rhythm guitar and be dedicated to it.

Some people say we have thirteen albums that all sound the same. That isn't true. We have fourteen albums that all sound the same.

The misunderstanding out there is that we are a 'hard rock' band or a 'heavy metal' band. We've only ever been a rock n' roll band.

When you sign on and say, 'I'm gonna do this and that,' it's always good to say at the end of it, 'I've done all I said I would do.'

From the first album, we've had songs like 'The Jack' that are blues based. We also did it in 'Ride On,' where we went into the blues.

I tried a Les Paul when I was a lot younger. I tried the Les Paul, and because of the weight of the thing, it nearly dislocated my hip.

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