She considered herself unconventional.

All really interesting girls invent themselves.

Living too much in one's head can be dangerous.

The headiest loves were the loves that couldn't be.

Heart-stopping envy is the sincerest form of flattery.

Oh yes, well, I find myself unconventional everywhere.

There was no pleasure like being envied on a mass scale.

Her life, she realized, had all the charm of a steel trap.

Things only looked wrong when there was someone to see you.

It's the craziest thing, but I can't stop thinking about you.

She should have know that villains often come with pretty faces.

She had had no idea what it would do to her seeing him in a suit.

As she always did on any really important day, Penelope Hayes wore red.

It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer.

They were a society whose chief vocations were to entertain and be entertained.

That was the way love was, she guessed-it left you always unsteady on your feet.

Love is all right, as things go, but lovers can be a terrible waste of a girl's time.

You don’t need to marry a man with millions. You only need to be your exquisite self.

To look in the face of hard things and keep moving forward - that's what one has to do.

Even when a girl is married she still never completely leaves her mother and father's home.

I've always believed in savoring the moments. In the end, they are the only things we'll have.

But in that moment she realized how false most smiles were and what a tremendous waste of time.

Always stay sharp on railways and cruise ships for transit has a way of making everything clear.

She had rarely been near Henry since then, and the sight of him now was like a concentrated dose.

The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color - oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples.

I can't imagine what my life was before. I can't imagine ever being without you for very long again.

They will stop calling brides beautiful after today—you have simply set the standard too high,' he said.

Among her other talents were forgetting what she did not like and ignoring what she preferred not to see.

He was just like summer, and she loved summer. If she had any wish, it would be to live a lifetime of summers.

A man is made in the rough-and-tumble of the world a lady emerges from the flossy back rooms of her own imagination.

She felt so much aware of her own beauty it seemed inconceivable that everybody else wouldn't notice the difference too.

Instead, he sat in the parlor of his family's Fifth Avenue mansion, growing older by the minute just like everybody else.

Life was a short window and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop.

Diana knew it wouldn't be right, but then she told herself that things only looked wrong when there was someone to see you.

She was trying to sound tough and impatient, but she knew that vulnerable desire to be wooed was still brimming in her tone.

A young lady's most natural ally is her sister although sometimes our own relatives are as inscrutable to us as an antipodean.

That is what I want to tell you about: the girls with their short skirts and bright eyes and big-city dreams. The girls of 1929.

So this is how life was, she thought with a faint smile: It wore you down until you emerged at its wildest, most unexpected ends.

Diana felt she was beginning to understand why, in all those novels she read, the headiest loves were the loves that couldn't be.

She found herself longing for home-not just for the hotel but for New York and all the real novels that she could lose herself in there.

Henry turned his hat in his hands but went on looking at Diana in a way that made her want to crawl into his arms and stay there forever.

Already she could feel the stunning weight of a lifetime of regret for letting him go, and she knew that it was enought to bury her alive.

In New York there is always something to look at, but it is all infinitely more interesting through a window in the backseat of a limousine.

It is a truth universally acknowledge that there will always be a gentleman to dance with, except at just the moment when you require one most.

Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few of us still remaining with noble hearts.

She was full of some strange energy that morning. Her every movement had purpose and life and she seemed to find satisfaction in every little thing.

The living are made of nothing but flaws. The dead, with each passing day in the afterlife, become more and more impeccable to those who remain earthbound.

Her heart the damned thing had begun to race and she only hoped that the rapid inflation and deflation of her chest wasn't visible beneath her fitted bodice.

It seemed to her as though everything that was good and true had been blasted out of the world. All those things had been crushed destroyed made to disappear.

The value of secrets is ever fluctuating although ladies who have been in society for a long time learn that a secret kept can be worth more than a secret told.

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