Nobody pulls a prank like George Clooney.

I like my men like I like my coffee. Silent.

In my dreams, I have Keira Knightley's eyebrows.

An actor should always let humility outweigh ambition.

I shouldn't leave the house or interact with people ever.

I feel like if it's not scaring you, you're doing it wrong.

I'm so humble it's crazy. I'm like the Kanye West of humility.

I feel like I've got it together when things are going well with my family.

I don't care for physical activity. I'm not sporty. I'm not very coordinated.

I like to think of myself less like 'an adult' and more like a 'former fetus.'

I'm a big fan of '30 Rock,' which I think is the most genius show on television.

For people whose job it is to make sure we make money, there's a lot of pressure.

I don't usually drink caffeine so that when I need it, it actually does something.

I used to think that guys preferred tall women. But plenty of them like short girls.

Sometimes the best part of my day is imagining what I'm gonna eat when I get off work.

It's cute how I used to think this 'barely holding it together' feeling was temporary.

I'm the person who wouldn't send back my food even if I got steak when I'd ordered fish.

I had a confusing relationship with my Barbies, but I love trolls. I tortured my Barbies.

I never have used a trainer. I'm slightly intimidated by the idea of somebody in my face.

There's a difference between being an actress who can sing and being a Sally Song-and-Dance.

If you tell a guy you don't like being tickled and he tickles you anyway, that's a red flag.

I've always had volume on my side: the big-voice-in-a-small-package thing. I surprise people.

I was at awards shows and felt really lost so it was good to play someone who was really lost.

R.Pattz fever is a lot louder than George Clooney fever. The younger girls are a little louder.

If I'm on set and there's no other option, I get on a treadmill, but that's my most hated thing.

I happen to be a huge 'Lord of the Rings' fan. I do an annual marathon of the extended editions.

If a guy was like, 'Let me serenade you,' and it was bad, and I had to lie about it - can't have it.

My family has had to become quite understanding about me not returning phone calls when I'm filming.

If I took myself too seriously, I would be a mess every day because the world keeps my ego in check.

If I die unexpectedly can everyone just do the right thing and pretend I was a way better person than I am?

I can't cook to save my life but I can bake a flour-less chocolate-hazelnut tort with a spicy caramel sauce.

I've never really gone for the razzle-dazzle types: no quarterbacks, no flashy guys, and no Prince Charmings.

I think a good script is a rare thing, and I think no matter who you are you have to fight for the good ones.

When I was 12, I did this show on Broadway called 'High Society,' so we moved to New York for the run of that.

We should be thanking Apple for launching the $10,000 'apple watch' as the new gold standard in douchebag detection.

Can we drop the pretense of Presidents Day and just call it I needed a long weekend because Valentines Day is garbage

I remember hearing once that good girls don't get caught. I think that's sort of a lot of what my teen years were like.

When you first saw 'The Truman Show,' did anyone else walk around for the next week not picking your nose just in case?

When you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you've got to be working, or you won't be able to pay the bills.

I graduated from high school early so I could move to New York to do 'A Little Night Music' out of the New York City Opera.

I am neither such a great songwriter or such a great singer that the world must hear my album. There's just no point to make.

I feel like people want there to be this mystery between film and theater, but I just kind of went where I got jobs, you know?

I rarely get recognised. It's always a shock when someone notices me. I always think they must be confusing me with someone else.

I get really excited every time there's a female character who is really strong because a lot of females in film are really soft.

I started auditioning when I was about 10 and I didn't get my first job until I was 12, and two years at that age is really hard.

The music for 'The Last Five Years' is like running a 26-mile marathon, and singing Sondheim is like ballroom-dancing up Everest.

I stole comic books from my brother when I was a kid, but I was never like an avid fan. I can't claim to be like a comic book geek.

You can't tell an audience to like a character. And I think the best way to get the audience on someone's side is to embarrass them.

People who care about celebrity babies are creepy. What will her baby look like?! A baby. Youve seen a baby right? Itll look like that.

It's a lot easier to act when the writing is good. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to figure out 'Well, why did I say this next?'

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