Sometimes I think, I need to think before I speak. And then other times I think, I shouldn't leave the house or interact with people ever.

Every time I talk to a fancy journalist and they ask what I do in my free time my scumbag brain goes 'say masturbate, it'll be hilarious'.

If I could play the ukulele like Zooey Deschanel, I would find my own personal M. Ward, and we would do a side album; but I don't, you know?

You listen to your favorite song just until you're almost getting sick of it, and then it's so fun to rediscover it after a couple of months.

I feel like you can't get an audience to like your character if she's actually cool, but you can if she's trying to be cool and sometimes fails.

I like sets that feel small. Sets that feel really big are difficult. When you're on a big set it feels like there's constant mis-communication.

The consummate gentleman on the planet today is George Clooney, who never fails to go the extra mile for people. Every person matters to George.

I fall in love with characters when they're out of their element or are uncomfortable and you really feel for them in a knee-jerk sympathetic way.

There have definitely been more than a few moments in my life where I'm wondering where the next paycheck will come from and how I'm gonna pay rent.

I felt different at 29 because 29, to me, is 30. There are times when I still feel like an actual toddler in a grown-up - well, semi-grown-up - body.

My parents got married late and they had kids late, so I never felt a social or cultural thing to be married or pregnant or a homeowner by a certain age.

It would be fun to be a redhead... you can get away with being, like, really volatile and fire-y because you're like, 'I'm just a redhead; what can I say?'

With any other movie, you're entering new territory, so it's quite different to be involved in something where it's the same characters, and the same people.

The movie industry can be tricky and occasionally creepy, and I have this sense that the music industry is just shady as hell. I don't want to be a part of it.

When I have a big enough handbag to carry a little pair of booties with, I always do - those pointy Christian Louboutin heels are just no fun to walk around in.

I heard people saying they were going to become millionaires by the time they were 25 - that's gross and obnoxious, but in California it's looked on as an asset.

I definitely think it exercises an interesting muscle, auditioning for bad parts and trying to figure out how to make it real. I don't know what I'm talking about now.

The music industry seems scary to me. I mean the film industry is crazy enough so the music industry to me seems like the wild, wild West. Like I would just never dare.

Similarly, I think I'm lucky that I've never had a crisis about whether the only reason I'm successful is because I'm crazy hot. It's not something that crosses my mind.

The sneaker heels thing is a myth. They were saying, 'They're like sneakers.' No, they're like heels is what they're like. That's like saying a denim skirt is like jeans. It's not.

I'm a pretty big dork. It's crazy. I'm one of those people who grew up with all kinds of musicals, but I was right at that age where 'Rent' was a big deal for me and for my friends.

I admit that I look at my social media when I'm killing time, like on a plane and such. It's just less embarrassing getting caught on Twitter than getting caught playing Candy Crush.

One of the surprises of being a grown-up is embracing the fact that you see your friends when you are both available. It's not like you hang out all the time.... It's just the reality.

If I see a chapstick that I've never tried, I have to buy it. And then once that door's been opened, I have to check the whole store to see if there are more chapsticks that I don't have.

I stole a little snow globe from the set of the first 'Pitch Perfect' that I don't think ever made it on-screen, so it's not like fans would be tickled by that information, but I still have it.

I guess I feel I'm masquerading as an adult when I don't have the kind of friendships and routines that I thought you were supposed to have as an adult. It's the 'Friends' lied to me! syndrome.

To me, accessorizing is the most fun part of an outfit. While I don't think you can't rely on accessories to make a dress that isn't working work, I do love jewelry and handbags more than anything.

People send you stuff if you say you're interested in something. I have a tonne of body lotion. So I could mention I was interested in, you know, surfing, and some company would send me a surfboard.

I filmed seven movies in 2011 and I think that was a mistake. I pushed myself too hard and I want to be able to come to work each day and give 100 percent. I guess I found out what my boundaries are.

I find getting my nails done the most tedious thing. I'm such a fidgety person; it's like torture. Everybody loves massages; I don't know what my problem is. I feel like I have to talk to the masseuses.

I like to buy a new fragrance for each film. I'll go out in the city where I'm filming and snap it up. The one I have for 'Into the Woods' is Terry de Gunzburg Flagrant Delice, which I bought in London.

I feel like what I say on Twitter has actually a lower rate of misinterpretation than what I say on interviews because I'm just kind of rambling on interviews, and I'm just talking, talking and talking.

Humility was an important part of the way I grew up. And I found that to be less common when I moved to California. That's not to say humble people don't exist there, but ambition seems really important.

I was really overwhelmed by the amount of roles that I got offered that were carbon copies of what I did in 'Up in the Air.' I got every offer for every ambitious, unfeeling practically robotic character.

I'm really into lip cream. I have this one by Hourglass: it's an oil with this gold-tip applicator, and it's schmancy-schmancy. When you get to the point that your lips are cracking, the price is worth it.

'Cinderella' the cartoon scared me. I watched the bits with the mice, and the scenes with the stepsisters ripping her dress apart scared me. Cinderella was never even my favorite character in 'Into the Woods.'

The most common thing that I get is, ‘Am I the only one who doesn’t think that Anna Kendrick is pretty? And youre like, ‘No, you’re not the only one. Arguably, all of the boys in my high school agree with you.’

I guess my silly dream is to be on 'Game of Thrones.' I don't think that I can do that, but that's my silly dream. And there are a lot of American comedies, particularly on NBC, that I would, I would love to do.

My mom was always a fan of just really elegant, sophisticated pieces. I mean we grew up in Maine, so we didn't have a lot of call for black tie or anything, but I think I definitely got that sensibility from her.

I feel love for people that I have loved, and I think that's so beautiful, and I think that's such an important lesson for children that people can have disagreements but it doesn't mean one is bad and one is good.

'The Last Five Years,' we sang almost everything live. When we're in a convertible on the West Side Highway, there was no point - it's not going to be usable sound. But any time we were indoors, we were singing live.

After we shot the first 'Twilight,' we organized our own wrap party. We really didn't know what this was going to be. Something like that can come at you unexpectedly, and you just have to try your best to deal with it.

Voiceover excited me and terrified me. I thought I was going to be really bad at it. It was so freeing and fun to not have to wait for 10 minutes between every setup. They just throw you a direction, and you just say it.

As an actress, you're perpetually about to be unemployed. That fear - when you have two parents who worked 9-to-5 jobs and went through periods of being unemployed - is real. Those were not welcome times in my childhood.

I think right after 'Up in the Air' everyone wanted me to play the girl from 'Up in the Air,' and it took a little while for people to think of me as an actress from a film that they liked instead of just that character.

My favorite movie is 'The Women' from 1939. It's been my favorite movie since I was like 12 years old. I love the dialogue, really. It's just a lot of really strong female performances. Rosalind Russell kills it, you know.

I used to exercise an hour every day - no excuses. I live in absolutes: I either exercise every day, or I let myself off the hook. I'm trying to find that balance of working out three or four days a week and sticking to it.

When you have no money in New York, you're living in a shoebox, and it's freezing. When you have no money in L.A., you're living in a slightly larger shoebox, and you can go outside and feel okay about your life for a minute.

'Rocket Science' is really where I fell in love with filmmaking, I think 'Camp' was incredible, but it was so bizarre, and I was trying to find my footing in this world where you don't have an audience for immediate validation.

For every person that says, 'I love your work, and my daughter thinks you're great, and we watch all your movies,' and is very kind, there are 10 more that are like, 'Who are you? What's your name? Are you on 'House of Cards'?'

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