Desire is no light thing.

Under the seams runs the pain.

Lava bread makes you passionate.

Consider incompleteness as a verb.

There is no person without a world.

Poetry - poiesis means a thing made.

When I desire you a part of me is gone.

Caught between the tongue and the taste.

Sometimes a journey makes itself necessary.

No one will ever make necessity not happen.

Philosophy - hopeless. Yet it gives me hope.

Philosophers say man forms himself in dialogue.

Give me a world, you have taken the world I was.

Existence will not stop until it gets to beauty.

It is for God to fix the time who knows no time.

It takes practice to shave the skin off the light.

I never really got over the fun of making letters.

Desire doubled is love and love doubled is madness.

he stood against the wind and let it peel him clean

I never had much education in English poetry as such.

To live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing.

No need to fear death. There will be a tunnel and light.

He was trying to fit this Herakles onto the one he knew.

Love is a good place to situate our distrust of fake women.

The man has a theory. The woman has hipbones. Here comes Death.

Love dares the self to leave itself behind, to enter into poverty.

Reality is a sound, you have to tune in to it not just keep yelling.

Life pulls softly inside your bindings. The pod glows - dear stench.

We participate in the creation of the world by decreating ourselves.

My religion makes no sense and does not help me therefore I pursue it.

Up against another human being one's own procedures take on definition

One of the principle qualities of pain is that it demands an explanation.

Here we go mother on the shipless ocean. Pity us, pity the ocean, here we go.

A refugee population is hungry for language and aware that anything can happen.

He came after Homer and before Gertrude Stein, a difficult interval for a poet.

If your way of life is writing, then everything that happens becomes a sentence.

Each night about this time he puts on sadness like a garment and goes on writing.

What is the fear inside language? No accident of the body can make it stop burning.

Those nights lying alone are not discontinuous with this cold hectic dawn. It is who I am.

Words bounce. Words, if you let them, will do what they want to do and what they have to do.

Time isn't made of anything. It is an abstraction. Just a meaning that we impose upon motion.

A page with a poem on it is less attractive than a page with a poem on it and some tea stains.

It is easier to tell a story of how people wound one another than of what binds them together.

What makes life life and not a simple story? Jagged bits moving never still, all along the wall.

Aristotle says that metaphor causes the mind to experience itself in the act of making a mistake.

They were two superior eels at the bottom of the tank and they recognized each other like italics.

A man moves through time. It means nothing except that, like a harpoon, once thrown he will arrive.

M: Is he smart I: She yes very smart sees right through me M: In my day we valued blindness rather more

To be running breathlessly, but not yet arrived, is itself delightful, a suspended moment of living hope.

The self forms at the edge of desire, and a science of self arises in the effort to leave that self behind.

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