I hoard books. They are people who do not leave.

And the aura of you remains, remains, remains...

... man is eating the earth up like a candy bar.

... a starving man doesn't ask what the meal is.

Don't bite till you know if it's bread or stone.

the marriage twists, holds firm, a sailor's knot.

I am not at home in myself. I am my own stranger.

Everyone in me is a bird I am beating all my wings

My heart is on a budget. It keeps me on the brink.

All I am is the trick of words writing themselves.

I am not immortal. Faustus and I are the also-ran.

being sixteen in the pants I died full of questions

There is rust in my mouth,the stain of an old kiss.

Though rain curses the window let the poem be made.

I am in my own mind. I am locked in the wrong house.

But my future is a secret. / It is as shy as a mole.

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.

I'm the crazy one who thinks that words reach people.

Evil is maybe lying to God. Or better, lying to love.

I cannot walk an inch / without trying to walk to God.

Most poets are mad. It doesn't qualify us for anything.

As a writer one has to take the chance on being a fool.

My eyes, those sluts, those whores, would play no more.

Craft is a trick you make up to let you write the poem.

In an old time there was a king as wise as a dictionary.

Meanwhile in my head, I’m undergoing open-heart surgery.

Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance.

Let God be some tribal female who is known but forbidden.

Abundance is scooped from abundance yet abundance remains.

Inside many of us is a small old man who wants to get out.

Let there be a heaven so that man may outlive his grasses.

Sometimes I fly like an eagle but with the wings of a wren

The trouble with therapy is that it makes life go backwards.

Oh, darling, let your body in, let it tie you in, in comfort.

Not that it was beautiful, but that I found some order there.

Thumbs grow into my throat. I wear slaps like a spot of rouge.

I see myself as one would see another. I have been cut in two.

Take your foot out of the graveyard, they are busy being dead.

Poetry is my life, my postmark, my hands, my kitchen, my face.

When I'm writing, I know I'm doing the thing I was born to do.

All day I've built a lifetime and now the sun sinks to undo it.

Be careful of words, / ... they can be both daisies and bruises.

Even so, I must admire your skill. You are so gracefully insane.

I am out of practice at living. You are as brave as a motorcycle.

One can't build little white picket fences to keep nightmares out.

I would like to bury all the hating eyes under the sand somewhere.

Fear / a motor, / pumps me around and around / until I fade slowly.

Being kissed on the back of the knee is a moth at the windowscreen.

I want to be a child and not a mother, and I feel guilty about this.

Let the light be called Day so that men may grow corn or take busses.

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