Glamour is really fun.

I am in awe of Ruth Draper.

Don't wait to have a baby! Do it now!

I'm still very critical of myself in film.

I feel very lucky I don't have to be a critic.

If anything, I want to please people too much.

I act, but I am a mother first and wife second.

I have huge chunks of time when I'm not working.

I don't really have a choice. I'm getting older.

It's always 'busy' with four children; it's chaos.

I think we as celebrities have a lot more control.

My mother is not somebody who's troubled by aging.

I think people have a right to their point of view.

I never thought my private life would be newsworthy.

What makes us love a character is a character that tries.

The time I spend with my kids informs every fiber of who I am.

I think when you're at your best as an actor, it is cathartic.

I'm interested in writing that explores all sides of human beings.

I love being busy, and I love having a lot going on; it's exciting.

Acting is not about being famous, it's about exploring the human soul.

Yes, I know I've played these women, but I'm not really conniving at all.

Oh, honey, I'm from Oklahoma! This is who I am - middle-class all the way!

Why I love acting is that it's totally subjective and I like that. I like that.

I am really looking forward as I get older and older, to being less and less nice.

We're not all evil or all good, and we all make mistakes to one degree or another.

I don't see myself as having to compete with younger actresses; I don't feel that.

I'm certainly not a perfect mother, but I am an avid mother, let me put it that way.

If you're an actor, you have to find a way to make peace with all the media attention.

I think for all of us, as we age, there are always a few moments when you are shocked.

If you can open people's hearts first, then maybe people's minds get opened after that.

I feel that certain things are best kept inside a family and not discussed with anyone else.

Having a life outside of movies is like pure oxygen. It makes the work more precious and informed.

I still remember the five points of salesmanship: attention, interest, conviction, desire and close.

I've always been pretty levelheaded. In show business you need to have a certain internal stability.

I'm lucky: almost all my family has lived to be very old. I have one grandfather who lived to be 100.

I've always been pretty levelheaded. In show business, you need to have a certain internal stability.

I love the luxury of the camera. The camera does so much for you. I like the secrets a camera can tell.

I've played parts that were just likable people, and there's a certain pleasure in that. And that's that.

I have perfected the art of putting my feet on my husband's lap during awards ceremonies so he can rub them.

My parents were very supportive. They went to every show. And they never told me not to do what I was doing.

I had never been attracted to younger guys. I had, from my late teens, always liked men who were older than me.

Anyone who is drawn in broad strokes either negatively or positively is generally not very interesting to play.

There are so many different kinds of relationships, so it's sort of difficult to define what is considered normal.

Critics have a responsibility to put things in a cultural and sociological or political context. That is important.

The films that are interesting you never can stop... there's no end point, you just keep thinking and musing about it.

We want to be seen for who we really are, and each person has his own complex story and reasons for doing what they do.

When I started in the theater, I'd do plays by Shakespeare or Ibsen or Chekhov, and they all created great women's roles.

My dad was in the life insurance business, so I learned about selling when I was about 14 because I started working as a secretary.

My husband and I have very similar backgrounds even though we're years apart. So there are a lot of things that we basically share.

In a film, if you can capture what's going on underneath, you can begin to make a connection between the character and the people watching it.

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