Israel does not start wars.

Ariel Sharon is a man of peace.

One cannot negotiate under fire.

I never had a political power base.

Israel doesn't have to hide anything.

One has to view things realistically.

No one wants to be beaten, even myself.

There is no bullet-proof vest in my size.

The United States cannot live with terror.

My mood altered and the pain turned to rage.

I've been under security protection since 1978.

Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches.

Israel is a society governed by the rule of law.

I'm a friend of Colin Powell. We talk quite often.

Aliyah is the central goal of the State of Israel.

I believe that the Jewish state will exist forever.

Jerusalem is the holiest place for the Jewish people.

What you see from here is not what you see from there.

I have absolute faith in the correctness of my course.

Israel is the only democracy in this part of the world.

A people cannot exist if there is no social solidarity.

Every Jew has the right to ascend onto the Temple Mount.

My grandfather was facing this terror, my parents, myself.

For me, peace should provide security to the Jewish people.

The State of Israel is not collapsing and will not collapse.

Syria is hosting the most dangerous terrorist organizations.

Every leaving of a Jewish community is a most difficult thing.

Arafat conducts terror; his strategy is the strategy of terror.

I believe that Israel is much stronger than many of its leaders.

I don't care what the American people think, I own the congress!

I have worries, but in difficult times, that is when I am quiet.

I know more about wheat and olive trees than I do about politics.

One generation after another is drifting away from anything Jewish.

I believe Prime Minister Blair is a friend, and a friend of Israel.

It was a grave mistake to dismantle the Jewish communities in Sinai.

We have evidence that Iran makes a reactor to possess nuclear weapons.

Abu Mazen is not a member of the Zionist movement. He is a Palestinian.

I think that Hezbollah, no doubt that they work together with the Syrians.

Arafat is the greatest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East.

We have learned a long time ago that one cannot compromise with terrorists.

Arafat is hosting, training, supporting, sponsoring terrorist organizations.

Myself, first of all, I am a Jew. And that is the most important thing for me.

My opinions are aggressive, I admit that. But not my personality. I'm sociable.

Israel, an embattled democracy, has been fighting terrorism for over 100 years.

I don't see any situation where Israel will not be sitting on the Golan Heights.

I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in Gaza.

A lie should be tried in a place where it will attract the attention of the world.

Abu Mazen understands that it is impossible to vanquish Israel by means of terrorism.

The problem is that Abu Mazen signed an agreement with the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

The Palestinians have arrived at the conclusion that nothing can be achieved using terror.

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