A promise made must be a promise kept.

We make war that we may live in peace.

Worms are the intestines of the earth.

One has no friend who has many friends.

Our actions determine our dispositions.

We must become just be doing just acts.

The physician heals, Nature makes well.

In justice is all virtues found in sum.

Prayers and sacrifices are of no avail.

The law is reason unaffected by desire.

Yellow-colored objects appear to be gold

A true friend is one soul in two bodies.

The soul never thinks without a picture.

You should never think without an image.

A gentleman is not disturbed by anything

Law is order, and good law is good order.

Nature creates nothing without a purpose.

Love is the cause of unity in all things.

To love someone is to identify with them.

Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.

All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.

A friend of everyone is a friend of no one

"I was not alone when I was in Goofy hell"

A friend is simply one soul in two bodies.

The basis of a democratic state is liberty

Imagination is a sort of faint perception.

Men create the gods after their own images.

Aristotle said: "Evil brings men together."

Boundaries don't protect rivers, people do.

Patience s bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.

The blood of a goat will shatter a diamond.

Justice is Equality...but equality of what?

Earthworms are the intenstines of the soil.

They should rule who are able to rule best.

All men seek one goal: success or happiness.

The best things are placed between extremes.

Education is the best provision for old age.

People generally despise where they flatter.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Between friends there is no need of justice.

Friendship is two souls inhabiting one body.

All art is concerned with coming into being.

Education begins at the level of the learner.

Our characters are the result of our conduct.

No science ever defends its first principles.

Nature operates in the shortest way possible.

The hardest victory is the victory over self.

The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.

Men are good in but one way, but bad in many.

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