Success demands sacrifices. I believe it's a small price to pay for the adulation and love one receives.

A relationship will be futile if it's based just on physicality. Intellectual stimulation is a must for me.

If I dabble in too many things and don't focus on channelizing my energy into one thing, I might mess it up.

My heritage is Pakistani, and I have loads of Pakistani fans on social media who I would love to connect with.

Filmmaking, at the end of the day, is a business and a balance must be struck between that and emotional ties.

I think that growth happens and that learning happens in anybody's life regardless of what profession you're in.

If I feel insecure, then I am in the wrong profession. I have to trust my director and the material he has given me.

I have never restricted myself to my strengths and abilities, as they are unlimited, and I am still discovering them.

When 'Ishaqzaade' released, I was going through hell. It didn't matter what I said or did, because I had lost my mother.

I was born in our Chembur house in Mumbai, where we lived for five years after which we shifted to our Lokhandwala house.

People have even said my father paid Aditya Chopra to make a film for me. It's illogical. People say what they have to say.

I don't want success to affect me to that extent that I change or failure to that extent that I get sad, bitter and negative.

It's important to be successful, and not just because there is competition, but also because it leads to better work for you.

Evolution is a constant state. You evolve and become comfortable in situations in which you might have felt alien in the past.

People feel that in this industry friendships are not for real, but that's not true. Otherwise, what is the point of being friends?

I considered obesity a disease. It can destroy you from within. It almost destroyed me, and I do not want that to happen to anybody.

I work very hard in the gym. Sometimes, I come home very late, around 1 A.M., but still I go and work out at the gym. I don't ever stop.

A film is not something that can be made over the phone or Skype. Creative people meet, spend time together, and then come up with something.

I am so broad and big-structured that even two kilos on me can look like gaining 10 kilos, and losing two kilos can also look like shedding 10 kilos.

In the beginning, I got different kind of roles, and then I realised it's great to be that way. And that thought is always there before signing a film.

I try and work out at least six times a week with my trainer because that's important for my body type, which is so different from a typical Indian boy.

My granddad passed away a month before I started shooting for 'Ishaqzaade,' and my mom died just before the film's release, both within a year of each other.

In a population of over one billion, there are 12-15 names that have the potential to be main leads in Hindi films. I am within the minority of the minority.

Preparation for any role is a must, so that when the shot is happening, it's about reacting and living that moment. One must be so prepared that spontaneity comes!

I understand that people talk, and frankly, I can't control that. There's no point in getting upset over a thing that you can't control. You just have to let it go.

It's silly to have a prototype, because one inevitably falls for someone unexpected. My only criterion is she shouldn't just look nice; she must have a personality, too.

My father is a genuinely nice guy and very generous to anybody and everybody. He likes to live life kingsize, and he doesn't know any other way, and I love that about him.

If a man is secure enough to allow his partner to go out and express herself, and if he does not feel as ambitious as her, he can be a homemaker also. There is nothing wrong with it.

I signed 'Aurangzeb' because I loved the story. I thought it was an untold tale. For whatever reason, the audience did not like the film. Fair enough, but I still enjoyed the process.

The flop that hit me was 'Tevar.' It felt like someone knocked the wind out of me. When you do a home production, it always hurts more. I wasn't ready to accept that 'Tevar' didn't do well.

I wanted to tell my story because I believe that if I can inspire or motivate even 10 or 15 people to start losing weight, it's a very big achievement. If I've managed to do it, anybody can.

I have learnt that women are superior beings. They have a higher threshold of pain and are more understanding and accepting than men. Also, if you listen to them, you'll understand them better.

As a host on TV, one has to engage the audience and contestants on the show. One has to bring a new element to their personality while hosting so that it doesn't look monotonous to the audience.

When you come from within the industry, you are better prepared for the industry. For example, you see your family deal with the nonsense that is written in the papers, or the highs and lows of a hit and a flop.

An actor should never be influenced by the surroundings, because you have to submit completely, and trust me, it's not a good feeling when you know that your father is going to come and watch you work every day!

I won't think about what people will say, even when I am actually seeing someone. Somebody will say something, then someone else will contradict it. I can't keep chasing all of them and try and correct everyone.

I enjoy doing action a lot more because my films have a sense of violence. That's because I have a broad structure, and if I hit someone, it looks believable. Maybe my contemporaries are meeker-looking in comparison.

My mother was the nicest person in the world. I still have people coming to me to say how she was so warm, generous, and kind-hearted. She never washed her dirty linen in public. She always maintained her equations with people.

Hollywood has cracked emotions very well with animation, and that is where India will eventually cover because it is an emotional country, and we just want a right story to tell, which will stir the right emotions with the audience.

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