We're here to have a ball.

All you have to do is be able to feel.

Jazz washes away the dust of every day life.

Music washes away the dust of every day life.

It takes an intelligent ear to listen to Jazz.

If you feel like tapping your feet, tap your feet.

Music is supposed to wash away the dust of everyday life

Music is supposed to wash away the dust of everyday life.

What ever truth drops on it eventually grinds to a powder.

Who knows ... we'll be playing Jazz and having a good time!

They say that Jazz is back, and I don't think it's gone anywhere. But they say it's back.

So go on and play, and if you make a mistake, make it loud so you won't make it next time.

A name doesn't make the music. It's just called that to differentiate it from other types of music.

There's nothing wrong with it. It's only a word. What's in a name? Nothing! Cats say, "Call me Muhammed so-and-so. "

That.s what Jazz music is all about.We started the Messengers because somebody had to mind the store for jazz.No America--no Jazz. It is the only culture that America has brought forth.

Jazz, I mean, music will always move, because it can't become stagnant. Because if it becomes stagnant, it's like a river, it'll kill us all. It has to keep moving, music will always flow.

You can't seperate modern jazz from rock or from rhythm and blues - you can't seperate it. Because that's where it all started, and that's where it all come from - that's where I learned to keep rhythm - in church

The people know more about [Jazz] in other countries than in America. America is the last country to know about anything, because we're too fat, we have too much of everything, you understand? And we do not listen.

You can't seperate modern jazz from rock or from rhythm and blues - you can't seperate it. Because that's where it all started, and that's where it all come from - that's where I learned to keep rhythm - in church.

Jazz is known all over the world as an American musical art form and that's it. No America, no jazz. I've seen people try to connect it to other countries, for instance to Africa, but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Africa.

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