I am an ordinary man.

Only love can heal hatred.

Hatred will only breed hatred.

In a democracy, people are supreme.

Movements live on a day-to-day basis.

Education is the antidote to poverty.

No alliance can be formed on Twitter.

Actually, no one is born honest or corrupt.

Send me to jail in 48 hours if I am corrupt.

We play politics for the good of our people.

Lots of people tell me I am straightforward.

I love religion but I don't need it for votes.

No person can fool all the people all the time.

I respect Kiran Bedi, she is like my elder sister.

I am not a terrorist, I am a former chief minister.

We are not entering into politics to acquire power.

No one gets punished for corruption in our country.

I have not flouted any rules on transfers or posting.

Will make Delhi a corruption-free , world class city.

I will involve everyone to make Delhi an ideal state.

It requires guts to leave the chair of chief minister.

Where did all the money go? The Aam Aadmi wants to know.

No one can create a movement. No one can create a Gandhi.

My job is to change the system so all of India can shine.

Yes, I do believe in karma. In my childhood I was a believer.

If you go to America or London, you will see Indians shining.

When ordinary people come together, they can upset the mighty.

We, alone, can't change the country. We should do it together.

Congress as well as BJP candidates are in the pockets of Adanis.

I want to remain a common man, want to spend time with my family.

Every person in this country is suffering because of bad governance.

Indians are first class people suffering from third class governance.

I want to make Delhi a place where people of all religions feel safe.

We need to work out what kind of systems of governance we should have.

A lot of people has lost their lives due to indiscipline on the roads.

It's the public which decides its Chief Minister. We live in a democracy.

If you walk on the path of truth all the powers in the universe help you.

I don't agree that the Somnath Bharti incident has been an embarrassment.

Our anti-corruption systems have inherently and intently been kept flawed.

Indian polity has failed to provide solutions to the common man's problems.

We have never said that we want to challenge the institution of Parliament.

We feel that the government should not interfere too much in private sector.

Education cannot be a matter of charity, Education has to be a matter of Right.

I never imagined in my life that I will fight elections or form a political party.

Right to Information is a small concrete step in making our polity more democratic.

I am a man in a hurry. We have to work both from office and roadside. I am impatient.

There isn't a single developed country which does not have its citizens well educated.

There are a large number of institutions in this country which we should not politicise.

Too much of power has got concentrated in the hands of the Central and state governments.

We never said that we don't have faith in Parliament. We have great respect for Parliament.

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