You put your heart and soul into something and it makes you a little bit vulnerable.

You can feel like, 'I look really bad', but to other people you can be really gorgeous.

I can't watch scary movies right now, because living on my own, it kind of freaks me out.

If I like you, I'll confront you and be open about it. Then I expect you to come after me.

Zac Efron is like a brother who's just goofy and crazy. He plays a lot of practical jokes.

It's really hard when a celebrity dies out of nowhere, 'cause it's very shocking... surreal.

I just loved playing the mean girl. When you're not like a character, it's kind of fun to play.

I feel like when I went back to my original hair color, a little bit of an edgier side came out.

I am so scared of the 'Paranormal Activity' movies. I didn't think I was going to be able to sleep.

I want to be with someone who wants to work as much as I do and who respects me like I respect him.

An 'OMG' of mine would probably be speaking on stage and performing in front of thousands of people!

I like someone I can have fun with and who can be more laid-back than I am, because it calms me down.

I used to hate looking in the mirror. I've grown up into myself and now I'm happy with the way I look.

I can take a week's vacation - maybe a week and a half - but after that, I'm itching to go back to work.

I've always wanted to be sure my parents approve of what I do. Even with my tattoos, my mom went with me.

I don't really read stuff on myself. I like to just kind of stay away... I don't get too involved in that.

In high school, it was all about popularity, being with the boyfriend and all the girls thinking he's cute.

I look at Jessica Alba and think she's got a great body. I think that's what women are supposed to look like.

You can be plain and smart, or pretty and smart. You can even be plain and dumb! You just have to be yourself.

I've had a normal life, but I have struggled to get here. It hasn't been handed to me and it hasn't been easy.

I realized just how much exercise and eating right make a difference in how you feel now and when you get older.

I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear. When I took the 'Hellcats' job, I was like, 'Whoa, this is a sport.'

I love change, and I love changing my hair. But it was strange to look in the mirror and think 'Who is this girl?'

I loved performing in the 'High School Musical' movies - that didn't seem like work - but the gym felt like torture!

I don't drink, and I don't smoke. It's a personal preference. My mom has never drunk or smoked. I look up to my mom.

I text a lot people, because it's how I stay connected with all my family and friends when I'm on set and traveling.

I think whenever any guys come along they're intimidated, and they don't really talk that much unless I talk to them.

I don't like asking for an autograph, but I would like to take a picture with Jessica Simpson because I love her style!

I want people to know that I'm a real person, and that I've been through normal situations, like crushes and heartbreaks.

When I was little, I saw the play 'Les Miserables' on Broadway, I thought it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

I'm happy that I was able to experience a normal life besides show business, because it gives you something to draw from.

Sunday's my day off, where I eat whatever I want. I don't not let myself have something. I do love French fries and bread.

I give dating advice on a regular basis. It's not that I'm any expert, but it's always nice to share that with your friends.

I love to work out and do cardio and have a healthy, active lifestyle, but I also am not going to, like, freak out over food.

I love Christmas, not just because of the presents but because of all the decorations and lights and the warmth of the season.

I love pancakes, and I actually do love healthy stuff. Like, I love gluten-free or whole-wheat pancakes. Breakfast is my favorite meal.

I'm a confident person. I just try to be me. I like to make people laugh, I am a comedienne - so if people find me sexy, that's awesome.

When fans come up to me and Vanessa, they're really sweet and ask for autographs - but once they see the guys, the girls tend to scream.

Zac Efron would make us feel guilty for eating big dinners. He'd say, 'Do you really want to eat those carbs?' It was like, 'Thanks a lot!'

Growing up I always knew I had a deviated septum on the right side of my nose, which caused trouble breathing. The older I got, the worse it got.

I know I come off like a very outgoing person, and yeah, I'm outgoing, but there's also a part of me that still likes to be in my little shell sometimes.

I grew up on movies like Airplane! and The Naked Gun. You probably saw it more recently, but as a kid I grew up on them so I loved those kinds of movies.

My agent didn't want me on Disney because I'm older. But honestly, I'm not ready for older roles yet, or even the things older girls do. I am still young.

I think it's so important, as young women, to have relationships, especially when you're in your early 20s. But it's always so important to focus on yourself.

I wrote a song with Kara DioGuardi called 'What If,' and it's a really beautiful song. It's kind of like a rock ballad. There's a lot of guitars and drums in it.

My family belongs to a tennis club in Valencia, California, so I always go there. I play a lot of tennis with my dad and swim. And I like to go to the gym there.

I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear. When I took the Hellcats job I was like whoa, this is a sport. Cheerleaders deserve a lot of respect for what they do.

I was always superthin, too skinny, actually. I felt like someone could break me in half. I realize now that being a bit more curvy and toned is so much more beautiful.

I'm so grateful for what Disney gave me and the experiences that I got, but at the end of the day, I can do so much more than what I did on that channel and in those movies.

I'm definitely old-school when it comes to dating. I'm not into the 'game' so much. If I like you, I'll confront you and be open about it. Then I expect you to come after me.

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