I love shopping, but I can find something to buy wherever I go! London is great for shopping, as is Los Angeles and New York - but I can find a good shop in the middle of nowhere!

I'm always surrounded by good-looking guys, like Zac Efron, so I have to be with someone who's not going to get jealous about any of that, or when I'm kissing somebody in a scene.

Sometimes, girls focus too much on relationships - like, "I need a boyfriend!" But you should really just focus on yourself. But it will all come together when you least expect it.

I don't really believe in rules, but I do like old-fashioned dating where you don't call the guy until he calls you. I don't think it's like he's got to do this and that's the rule.

I'm in love with 'Bravo.' Me and my girlfriends love 'Bravo-ing,' which doesn't necessarily mean watching 'Bravo.' It's when you're a bum and you're on your couch watching reality shows.

I'm very headstrong and I know what I want from life. I listen to peoples' opinions, but a lot of the time I'll trust my own instincts. I'm also really clumsy, so I'm always getting hurt.

Acting is everything to me; it's what I've always wanted to do. I may never have this chance to do what I'm doing right now. So I guess right now I'm going to do as much as I can with it.

I'm actually most comfortable when I'm in a bikini, running around on the beach, like, no makeup. It's really free-feeling, whereas I'm always having to get dressed up and putting makeup on.

For me, I just like to cut out bread. I like to keep the good carbs in my diet - I love pasta and Italian food - but I try to eat just that on the weekends and cut out carbs during the week.

I'm someone who's always on the go and crazy busy, so I like to keep snacks in my car and at the office, and Cracker Jack'd is a really yummy snack that I love. I definitely am a big snacker.

I actually liked Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I remember just watching it and being pleasantly surprised with that movie. I didn't think it would be as good as it was, so I love that movie.

I love 'Modern Family; I think that is a great show. I don't get to watch tons of TV, but when I do, 'Sons of Anarchy' is pretty much the number one, and 'Modern Family' is one of my favorites.

I use Kerastase Oleo-Relax when I get out of the shower. It saves my hair. Actually, I've been doing this Brazilian treatment to my hair. It's a lifesaver; I don't even use a straightener anymore.

I grew up in the business since I was three years old so I've always kind of been in front of the camera and grew up in commercials and I knew that I wanted to do it no matter what, I just loved it.

My favorite subject was English or creative writing. We did poems and making a magazine, and I did one on celebrities. I called it 'Celebrity Life Magazine.' I interviewed my good friend Kaley Cuoco.

It's a spinoff of the original Cracker Jack, but it's Cracker Jack'd. Frito Lay, when they asked me to be a part of it, I tried it, and I really like it. My favorite's the peanut butter and chocolate.

I just like guys who have an edge to them. But it could go either way. Like, I have been into the surfer blond frat guys, and then there's definitely a thing where I like the dark, mysterious bad boy.

You never know what`s going to be big. It`s the fans. It was just a Disney Channel Movie and the kids made it huge... For High School Musical 2 (2007) (TV), we just wanted to have fun and make something together.

I did find some time to go to a record store and check out 'Headstrong' actually in the racks. It was pretty cool; I never thought I'd see my own CD sitting there with everyone else's. I made my Mom take lots of pics!

I did find some time to go to a record store and check out "Headstrong" actually in the racks. It was pretty cool; I never thought I'd see my own CD sitting there with everyone else's. I made my Mom take lots of pics!

I just love carbs. And when I'm on vacation I definitely allow myself carbs, so it's always funny when people are like, 'Oh my gosh, you look great in your bikini.' I'm like, 'If you only knew what I had for breakfast!'

I love 'Sons of Anarchy.' I was so excited to be able to be on this show, just because I personally watch it. Of course, I come from Disney, and I have a lot of young fans, but I do have fans who have grown with me as well.

Half the time on vacation, if I'm in a bikini, I allow myself - I eat, like, waffles and pancakes for breakfast, so that's me after, like, a big meal. I'm not the one that's like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm going to be on the beach.'

I had done a bunch of stuff before I even went to Disney. I'm so grateful for what Disney gave me and the experiences that I got, but at the end of the day, I can do so much more than what I did on that channel and in those movies.

'Scary Movie' was a different type of comedy than I'm used to. I've mostly done sitcoms, so working with David Zucker, who wrote the film and who directed the last two 'Scary Movie's and 'Airplane' and 'Naked Gun,' was a lot of help.

Once in high school, I completely over plucked my left eyebrow all the way up to where you're not supposed to. I had no idea what I was doing and it looked terrible! My mom was like 'What did you do to yourself?' I was so embarrassed.

I remember seeing Airplane, and even Mel Brooks movies like History of the World Part I, and just really loving that style of movies that make fun of movies. I think it needs to be done. All of these movies are ripe for being poked at.

I have always been really scared of scary movies just because I live by myself - and then seeing something, then having a big imagination and then like thinking you see it in the middle of the night. So I've never been really into them.

Degree actually came to me and asked me if I wanted to be a part of their campaign, and I thought it was just really exciting and important, obviously to my fans, and growing up I had tons of OMG moments. I get to share my own moments through video blogs.

All the time people ask me, like, 'Oh my God, what did you do to get ready for the red carpet?' And I'm like, 'I just had Thai food.' I love to work out and do cardio and have a healthy, active lifestyle, but I also am not going to, like, freak out over food.

I feel like people expect a lot out of girls, like you're supposed to know who you are and what you want out of life right now. Some girls know. I did. But lots of people don't know. You have to try a lot of things and not worry about what people are thinking.

When I was really little, I was on a Pop Warner squad. I did it for a year. My dad was a Pop Warner football coach. I did it because my best friend was also on this cheer squad, and of course I looked up to my sister who was a cheerleader, so I wanted to cheer.

I just always feel that you need Degree deodorant when you have those moments whether they are embarrassing or whatever, but every day you should be protected. I wish that maybe I had a type of celebrity to look up to when I was young telling me what to use and stuff.

The family on my mom's side, their whole business is inventing and pitching stuff. My grandfather is in infomercials. He's a pitchman, so if you're ever watching TV late at night, you'll probably see him pitching knives. My great-grandfather also invented the plastic cheese grater.

I'm a very positive person, that's something that's like my character Savannah. She's very positive in everything that she does and I'm the same way in real life. If I feel like someone's trying to bring me down, I just walk away from it. I just ignore it because sometimes when that happens you can get so involved that it does bring down your day.

I do like people who are popular across the years and stuff like that, but I'm not a big pop music fan. I don't listen to the radio unless it's KCRW, like Booka Shade. Yeah, like weird music is what I'm really into right now. But I like anything really. There's just so much. I buy new music almost every day, so there's so much coming in that I don't even have time to listen to something more that twice.

Relationships help you learn more about what you want. If one doesn't work out, you just kind of look at it and go, Okay, well, this is what I did like and this is what I didn't like, and this is what I did wrong, and maybe I need to be more like this. And so you learn things, and that's why you grow. And you bring all the stuff that you've changed about yourself to a new relationship until you finally find that person you really, really want.

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