I love Kelly Clarkson.

Communication is so key.

I never give up on things.

I love pink, it's so girly!

I like to do a lot of cardio.

I think fame can come and go.

I don't mind being a Disney girl.

I love clothes and I love fashion.

I love being home at Christmastime.

Hey, it isn't bad that I look young.

I know I have pretty good instincts.

I love sundresses and I love shorts.

Music and fashion inspire each other.

I hope to inspire people, influence people.

Producing is just a big learning experience.

I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear.

The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.

I'm living out my dreams and I love what I do.

I don't go clubing. So, I don't smoke or drink.

I have a Maltipoo named Blondie. She is so cute!

I'd love to do more action stuff, in the future.

People see me as cute, but I'm so much more than that.

I'm not into clubbing. I want to be known for my work.

I have a sexy side to me, but it's more of a fun sexy.

Cheerleaders deserve a lot of respect for what they do.

I'm a big romantic, so I love guys who are romantic too.

I've loved Michael Jackson, his music, his music videos.

I never really looked up to celebrities when I was young.

I love keeping a connection with everyone I've worked with.

I've always wanted to be sure my parents approve of what I do.

Don't let anyone, or any rejection, keep you from what you want.

Now before I work out, I think, 'I love exercise,' and it works.

I'm not someone who likes to be in the whole Hollywood tabloids.

My sister is totally my dad's daughter because she loves sports.

I'm definitely the kind of person to wear underwear all the time.

The 'believe' tattoo is because my mom always told me to believe.

My mom is very confident and she was always a role model of mine.

I think nothing ever ends on Disney Channel. They keep playing it.

I like to have fun but my fun is different from other people's fun.

With every character, I just bring something that I can make my own.

It's important to have girlfriends, because guys tend to come and go.

I'm not just the young girl everybody thinks I am. I'm actually a woman.

I've always been able to keep my private life separate from my business.

If I feel like someone's trying to bring me down, I just walk away from it.

I'm a strong person. I'm also very sassy and a little bit angsty sometimes.

I'm not trying to run away from my fans at all. I want them to grow with me.

I feel like every project I've ever done has had music involved in it somehow.

I love to sing! To be in a movie with musical number is the coolest thing ever!

I'm very sassy. I want to show people in my album I'm not like my characters on TV.

My look is a very individual look. I love Pink, but I don't really dress like Pink.

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