Tina Fey is one of my heroes.

Writing is hard - writing is the hardest.

I love great acting, as nerdy as that sounds.

I want people to like me but not at my expense.

It would be hilarious if I worked in a bowling alley.

I'm not, like, Daniel Day Lewis. Yet. I will get there!

A lot of independent films offer a harsh reality check.

I sold my soul to the devil. I'd like to thank the devil.

My mom's Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful.

Louis C. K. is one of my all time favorite standup comedians.

I don't let myself 'surf' on the Web, or I would probably drown.

I get really weird when I'm not working. I have to keep working.

Well, I was obsessed with Judy Garland growing up. Like, obsessed.

If you feel like a weirdo, it's okay because weirdos rule the world.

My people would love it if I smiled more, if I was more 'approachable.'

Make all your decisions based on how hilarious it would be if you did it.

There's no photo-shoot academy. If there was, I'd probably be kicked out.

It's such a thing now, people making fun of other people on the Internet.

I mean, sometimes I hate interviews because I always feel like I sound stupid.

I definitely can relate to being down and closed-off at certain times in my life.

I obviously bring all of my insecurities along with me to any role that I tackle.

I'm pretty good at weaseling my way into a job, even if I have no business being there.

I'm going to create my own opportunities. If I can't find the roles I want, I'll just make them.

I always want to keep growing and keep surprising people, and showing them different parts of me.

I've felt depressed many times in my life, so I can draw on those times in my life when I need to.

I've always wanted to do all kinds of roles, dramatic roles and comedic roles, all kinds of roles.

I can't say I follow politics extremely closely, but I'm definitely aware of what's going on in the world.

If I have the option, I always read the paper or a book or something I can touch and destroy in my own hands.

It's weird, huh? It's like the minute you kinda give up control you just know what to do without doing anything.

When you improvise, you work off the laughs from the audience, but when you step on stage to do standup, it's silent.

I'm not a super emotional person, so that's one reason I love acting - it makes me deal with myself in that kind of way.

I'm too awkward to date, I think. I'm kind of all or nothing, you know? Either put a baby inside of me or leave me alone.

My first boyfriend that I ever had, actually sang a song that he wrote for me on-stage to ask me out. That was pretty romantic.

When I was doing comedy in New York, before I was in movies, I was never known as the deadpan actress. I was just a comedienne.

My grandfather came over from Puerto Rico and raised his kids speaking English so that it would be easier for them to assimilate.

I just want to keep finding special characters that I feel like I can bring to life and characters that are real and not superficial.

There are always parts of me that come out in the characters that I play - it's the only thing I have to work with and to draw off of.

I want to go to New Zealand. I have no idea what it's like, and in my head, everyone lives in/on an ice lake, so I'd like to come stay.

I'm not super comfortable in my skin. I have to make it work for me, and that usually amounts to making it uncomfortable for everyone else.

I've had experiences in my life where I've met certain people that have opened up something in me and given me hope and a new outlook on life.

I think it's nice to get a break from all of the big Hollywood comic book action-movies and see something that's relatable and funny and interesting.

I do have magical powers, I try to use them for good and not evil, but I can pretty much make anyone do whatever I want them to do, if they're within range.

I think being on a TV show is amazing but also, people get kind of used to seeing you a certain way and so it becomes a challenge to break free from that in a way.

I realized two things from an early age - I was insane and had some kind of comedic thing going on. My brain was wired to think about things in terms of how funny they were.

I have an acting coach that I work with on everything that I do. The thing about my preparation process for getting ready for a role is I have sex with as many people as I can.

I like my name. My mom named me after a song by the 1970s group Bread. So, it's meaningful, and I like the song. It's a love song - kind of - but it's kind of depressing and dark.

With stand-up, it doesn't matter who you are. If the audience claps because they love your movies, that clapping stops after five seconds, and then it's your job to make them laugh.

Once you do a character in Hollywood and people haven't seen you before, they put you in a box and they think that's all that you can do and it's hard to get people to take a risk on you.

I'm like that person who hates going to magic shows - and I love magic, I love wizards - but going to a show where there is any possibility of audience participation is a nightmare for me.

Improv is so different, it's such a collaborative thing, you're working with other people, nothing is planned and it's kind of this community mentality, whereas stand-up, you're alone and it was really hard.

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