It was a salad bar of phobias

I'm always prepared for the worst.

There's not enough of me left over.

I never listen to music when I write.

You manufacture beauty with your mind

You deserve to need me, not to have me.

He was raised without a proper diagnosis.

Reading takes solitude and it takes focus.

There's never a false note in a Berg novel.

We haven't slept together. But we've napped

The past doesn't haunt us, we haunt the past.

He's a really nice guy, if only I weren't me.

His laugh is made if porch swings and lemonade

Never work with children, puppies or bulimics.

I love to both give and receive very old books.

And I tend to listen to NPR when I'm not writing.

Bad news should be followed with soup. Then a nap.

but I am not here ironically; I am here sincerely.

Writing has enriched my life in ways I never imaged.

Red hair is great. It's rare, and therefore superior.

What police officer would dare ticket Death's minivan?

But my favorite band is Curbside Life, out of Chicago.

I knew that he was as reliable as a mathematical formula.

Nobody's trying to kill you, Deirdre. You're killing yourself.

My only ritual is to just sit down and write, write every day.

I hate feelings. Why does sobriety have to come with feelings?

After was better. Before was only there so After could happen.

your mind is like an unsafe neighborhood; don't go there alone.

Love is a helium-based emotion; Love always takes the high road.

My subconscious does the writing; I don't have control over that.

Once I decided to write, to be published, I knew it would happen.

If you find you require willpower, you aren't ready to lose weight.

Imperfections are attractive when their owners are happy with them.

I know exactly how that is. To love somebody who doesn't deserve it.

I was like a packet of powdered Sea Monkeys and they were like water.

Life would be fabric-softener, tuna-salad-on-white, PTA-meeting normal.

My brother was born without taste or the desire to be professionally lit.

Applause is a constant thing in AA. It's how we buy drinks for each other.

I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.

Like every child, I adored her. Until I formed a brain and got to know her.

It turned out I had always been a smoker. I just hadn't had any cigarettes.

I saw a monkey walking on a leash and thought it was an ugly foreign child.

Part of me believes that love is more valuable when you have to work for it.

My window fogs and this makes me feel like there is no world outside of the car.

All of us are richer and more fascinating and more complex than we can ever know.

I wouldn't want to waste any of my brain cells on forgiving if it's holding me back.

I felt deeply tricked. Stunned. And furious. I also felt my default emotion: numbness.

I think I love him, but I also think that you can love people who aren't good for you.

This is what happens when you go against the grain of truth. You get splinters later on.

Truthfulness itself is almost medication, even when it’s served without advice or insight.

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