I don't know who Little Richard is.

Have the passion and the magic will happen

Modeling gave me an opportunity to be someone I'm not each day.

These 'Sports Illustrated' people, they know how to hold a secret.

My mum is my beauty icon, because she represents what I think beauty is.

As a little girl, I was always shy, but in front of the camera I wasn't.

I get to travel, see the world, meet people and be independent. I feel blessed.

Happiness is when you love who you are and you are able to accept yourself and others.

I don't need to apologize for my behavior you need to apologize for not understanding.

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and mojito in your hand.

Justin Bieber and I are going to get married some day. I also like Tom Cruise. He's very classy.

My make-up artist, she uses bronzer on the eyelids too. And also a little bit on the forehead to make everything look even.

I bike all the time in New York City. I bike for hours. I can bike for eight hours a day and just go everywhere with bikes.

My everyday job is about superficial beauty, but when I'm not working I prefer to work on my inner beauty - I read a lot, I try to learn.

Every time I come home, and every time before I leave, I invite all my friends and I get hummus from this little shack in Tel Aviv called Baadunas.

The one thing I'm absolutely obsessed with lately are gadgets! New cell phones; I walk around with three phones because I have all the new ones, and I can't choose which I prefer.

I usually go make-up free when I'm not working. Because I work so much, during the free days that I have I like to let my skin breathe, but of course I'm girly so I like to put on some blush and some mascara.

Since I was 8 months old, till I was 12, I did commercials and ads and cute little stuff for kids. Then I had braces on my teeth. They took them off when I was 16, and then I started modeling more seriously and doing more fashion.

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