The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the ...

The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become.

Yoga is not a religion to me.

Yoga is not a religion to me.

Caviar's sexy.

Gossip is poison.

Music inspires me.

I am very blessed.

I do get free stuff.

I have a beer belly.

I feel like a Barbie.

I hate being a blonde.

It's a sin to be tired.

I like creating images.

I never starved myself.

I love being in Chicago.

I'm a very hyper person.

I like the big questions.

I'm not a morning person.

I am not a fashion freak!

I don't play tennis at all.

I have hardly any eyebrows.

Perfection is really boring!

I grew six inches in a year.

I always think less is more.

I have an insane sweet tooth.

Love yourself no matter what!

There is strength in numbers.

I'm somewhat in my own cloud.

Every single day I'm shocked.

I'm not a show-off by nature.

I don't mind a bikini bottom.

I believe in aging gracefully

I know I'm no Whitney Houston.

I do everything in moderation.

I believe in aging gracefully.

I don't want to be this skinny.

I've been dancing for 10 years.

What you sweat is what you get.

Instagram is a perception game.

Rudeness, I think, is the worst.

I never thought I was cute, ever.

People should embrace themselves.

I am genuine, fun and passionate.

I can shoot a basket pretty well.

I want to make a name for myself.

You can't really fake confidence.

Models need to learn to speak up.

I have no nationality, no country.

I'd rather go naked than wear fur.

I love going on dates and talking.

We don't do funerals in my family.

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