Saving time = wasting time.

My ambitions have ambitions.

I wake up to start dreaming.

Work hard until hard work isn't work at all.

You can only accomplish the amount you dream.

They say love is blind, which makes me braille.

To say I'm ignorant only proves your ignorance.

If you're going to lie, at least be good at it.

Failing is not real, it's an optional state of mind.

If you don't believe in God, I don't believe in you.

Hustle ... Your excuses are someone else's motivation.

If all you do is talk crap, I'll just flush the toilet.

Unless you're God, you are never too "big" to be a fan.

Haters and doubters got me here, but supporters keep me here.

The more I accomplish the more I realize how empty my life is.

I enjoy raining on parades and throwing stones in glass homes.

Appreciate your flaws to reach the potential of your greatness.

The best part about using success as revenge means no 25 to life.

Just because you are famous and rich doesn't make you successful.

Don't work harder than your competition, be your own competition.

My kindness is my weakness but my weakness is my biggest strength.

When life hands me lemons I hand them back and pick something else.

Opportunity doesn't knock on my door, I go and break its door down.

A successful person allows his results to speak for him, not his mouth.

Some people talk the talk and walk the walk while I'm silently running.

If success is my drug then I've been on a chronic overdose all my life.

They say if it's too good to be true, it usually is..... Unless it's me.

Be worried when the haters stop hating and the critics stop criticizing.

I am the epitome of what you dream to be and the reality of what you can't be.

Successful people are the one's that create their own path, not follow someone else's.

They say either get right or get left, how about I just go forward and never look back.

For every 1 fan I have 20 haters, once I can reach 1000 haters for 1 fan, I know I've made it.

I didn't make it to where I am today because of the support, more so because of the lack of it.

They say God laughs when you make plans, that's why I make appointments and sometimes reschedule.

The difference between trying and doing is one leads to success, while the other leads to excuses.

Some people are quick to challenge others but refuse to look in the mirror and challenge themselves.

If one door closes and another does not open, try climbing thru a window, either way, make your way in.

There is no such thing as a dumb question but there is such a thing as a dumb person asking a question.

Never practice something you're good at. All it will lead to is one major strength with many downfalls.

Even people's dreams don't match the reality of my life. I don't dream, I set goals and accomplish them.

It's impossible to give it all you got and fail unless you fail to give it all you got to do the impossible.

Create your own path and stop waiting for things to come your way. The longer you wait, the further others go.

It's funny, 99% of the time, haters and the 1 they hate on have everything in common and could be best friends.

They say a wise man learns from others mistakes, I learn from others success, why pay attention to the mistakes?

You wouldn't show up to a great job with a terrible resume, so don't show up to a great man with a terrible past.

I don't enjoy watching people fail, but I don't feel sorry for them when they fail crossing my path, that I love.

Whether it's good talk or bad talk about me, as long as your talking and making me the center of your world, I win.

If you strive to be perfect in everything, whether it's possible or not, you will always live a more fulfilled life.

The same feeling you get from succeeding is the same feeling I get from failing, now imagine what happens when I win.

It's so ironic that life is all about love, yet we live most of it either searching, never finding, or messing it up.

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