The job of the leader is to speak to the possibility.

The job of the leader is to speak to the possibility.

I have a definition of success.

If you make a mistake, celebrate.

Live the rest of your life in possibility

My job is to awaken possibility in other people.

how absurd human beings are and how magnificent.

Who am I being that my players' eyes are not shining?

Everybody loves classical music they just don't know about it yet.

Look at their eyes. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it.

I make myself a relentless architect of the possibilities of human beings.

When you make a mistake, throw your hands in the air and say "How fascinating!"

It's not a question of how much power you can hoard for yourself, but how much you can give away.

Imagine Martin Luther King saying, 'I have a dream ... But I don't know if the others will buy it.'

Throw yourself into life as someone who makes a difference, accepting that you may not understand how or why.

I'm so sorry for you; your lives have been so easy. You can't play great music unless your heart's been broken.

It is the tuning of the universe... It's as if at the beginning of the symphony God turns up the volume just a tiny bit.

The conductor of an orchestra doesn’t make a sound. He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.

The major difference between the 'best' and the 'average' is that the 'best' get as much pleasure from practice as performance.

In the measurement world, we set a goal and strive to achieve it. In the universe of possibility, we set the context and let life unfold.

I have a definition of success. For me it's very simple. It's not about wealth and fame and power. It's about how many shining eyes I have around me.

Life is revealed as a place to contribute and we as contributors. Not because we have done a measurable amount of good, but because that is the story we tell.

South Africa is a country built on possibility. Possibility lies in making a difference and creating value from a situation - without denying that certain issues exist.

My job [is] to awaken possibility in other people. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it. If they're not shining you get to ask this question: "Who am I being that my children's eyes are not shining?"

This is the moment — this is the most important moment right now. Which is: We are about contribution. That’s what our job is. It’s not about impressing people. It’s not about getting the next job. It’s about contributing something.

It’s one of the characteristics of a leader that he not doubt for one moment the capacity of the people he’s leading to realize whatever he’s dreaming. Imagine if Martin Luther King had said, ‘I have a dream. Of course, I’m not sure they’ll be up to it.

How often do we stand convinced of the truth of our early memories, forgetting that they are assessments made by a child? We can replace the narratives that hold us back by inventing wiser stories, free from childish fears, and, in doing so, disperse long-held psychological stumbling blocks.

As leaders, we're giving out grades in every encounter we have with people. We can choose to give out grades as an expectation to live up to, and then we can reassess them according to performance. Or we can offer grades as a possibility to live into. The second approach is much more powerful.

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