The job of the leader is to speak to the possibility.

The job of the leader is to speak to the possibility.

Can't you read? The score demands 'con amore,' and what are you ...

Can't you read? The score demands 'con amore,' and what are you doing? You are playing it like married men!

During the rests - pray.

Someone came too sooner.

I love to conduct opera.

I need one more bass less.

Conductors are performers.

It's hot as hell as can be.

My material life is simple.

Brass, stay down all summer.

Start at B. Yes. No. Yes. No.

My strength is my enthusiasm.

I am an Indian, so I do yoga.

I have a definition of success.

There is a shadow on every page.

If you make a mistake, celebrate.

I prefer Offenbach to Bach often.

My life is so full of sacrifices.

I can conduct better than I count.

Start three bars before something.

Music is a fundamental human right

Singing becomes a form of therapy.

Yes, I was a weird duck, no doubt.

Every orchestra has its own sound.

Who is sitting in that empty chair?

Did you play? It sounded very good.

Long note? Yes. Make it seem short.

When words fail, the guitar speaks.

A tenor is not a man but a disease.

Oh Lord... I don't really do pride.

The high note is not the only thing.

He was listening so I don't remember.

This is one bar you should take home.

The public is a part of my real life.

In Chicago, they die for their teams.

Composers are not all good conductors.

Beauty is less important than quality.

Write it down in your own handwriting.

I feel at home in an orchestral score.

Magical music never leaves the memory.

I'm a pucca Indian. Bombay is my home.

Napolean is dead - but Beethoven lives.

Accelerando means in tempo. Don't rush.

I conduct faster so you can see my beat.

There is a number missing. I can see it.

Art has never been a popularity contest.

I’m definitely a feminist & proud of it.

Live the rest of your life in possibility

Tonight I'm going to listen with my ears.

Watch me closely - only one can spoil it.

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