A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.

Who runs the world? Girls.

I am not bossy, I am the boss.

What goes around comes back around.

We're not exposed to a lot of guys.

Perfection is a disease of a nation.

My daughter introduced me to myself.

Embrace your past, but live for now.

Beauty fades. Your spirit is forever.

Thank God I found the GOOD in goodbye

Imperfections make you more beautiful.

I get nervous when I don't get nervous.

If he invited you out, he's got to pay.

Honestly...how did I do as a big sister?

I want to be a legend, like Celine Dion.

I am a woman and when I think, I must speak.

Me, myself and I. That's all I got in the end.

I embrace mistakes, they make you who you are.

Power is not given to you. You have to take it.

Destiny's Child will always be No.1 on my list.

Love is something that never goes out of style.

With a lot of success comes a lot of negativity.

Love is so blind, it feels right when it's wrong.

I love my job, but it’s more than that: I need it.

God has a plan and God is in control of everything

The more successful I become, the more I need a man.

Have your own life before you become somebody's wife.

Spread positivity; don't matter how big, or how small.

The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.

You can't appreciate the good times without the bad ones.

Power means happiness; power means hard work and sacrifice.

Take all the rules away. How can we live if we don't change?

Do what you were born to do. You just have to trust yourself.

Acting is easier and smoother than singing - it's less drama.

Everyone's not good at everything, it's ok to depend on someone.

I feel like my body is borrowed and this life is very temporary.

I have nine Grammy Awards. I wouldn't have that if I couldn't sing.

I think it's healthy for a person to be nervous. It means you care.

Who I am on stage is very, very different to who I am in real life.

My message behind this album was finding the beauty in imperfection.

Y'all are so cute and y'all talk so proper over here. I love England.

In my videos, I always want to be a powerful woman. That's my mission.

I have learned that it is no one else’s job to take care of me but me.

I like to walk around with bare feet and I don't like to comb my hair.

Just because you become a mother, it doesn't mean you lose who you are.

Elvis is iconic; a lot of performers today look to that for inspiration.

I can not imagine my life if I didn't have a music program in my school.

If you are with the right person, it brings out the best version of you.

You have to have something that is forever, something that is invisible.

You can't put your finger on who I am. I can't put my finger on who I am.

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