Every relationship is work.

I've never met Charlie Sheen.

I'm very close to my sisters.

Paul Rudd is a huge 'Hot Rod' fan.

Fred Willard still makes me laugh.

Fred Armisen does a pretty good me.

George Saunders is a complete genius.

Jason Sudeikis is always chewing gum.

I grew up in a total Pink Floyd house.

Turns out typecasting is a real thing.

I wrote a fan e-mail to Michael Chabon.

I had a small part in 'Pineapple Express.'

I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

My mom, dad, grandparents, we all do voices.

To be honest, I don't know how comedy works.

Seth Meyers and I wrote a 'Spider-Man' comic.

David Sedaris is so good that it makes me mad.

Richard Grieco once asked for a bunch of M&M's

There are some really funny women at 'SNL,' man.

I can't cook. I can barely make a bowl of cereal.

The nature of 'SNL' is that it's so in-the-moment.

I love comedy, but it's dramas that stick with me.

Jon Ronson makes me laugh. I've read all of his books.

I met Robin Williams a few times, and he was a beautiful guy.

Everything is so tech now; everyone is so connected that way.

Las Vegas, New Mexico has had a lot of great movies shot there.

I like when you are telling a story and fall into an impression.

If a guy doesn't like a funny girl, something is wrong with him.

Yeah, improvising only really works 100% when you're with somebody.

Good directors give short and specific instructions to their actors.

All the stories have to do with emotion. Emotion is driving everything.

Top Ten lists make me insane. I just know they're going to change daily.

Going to any loud place is terrible for me. I'm bad at loud restaurants.

My kids, they're always embarrassed when my voice shows up in something.

I have a lot of incomplete short films and incomplete scripts out there.

I remember being unbelievable bummed when 'Freaks and Geeks' was canceled.

A person being patient with an insane person is my favorite thing in the world.

Comedy is incredibly hard. You have to be loose. You have to be not afraid to fail.

You know what, I remember being on my T-ball team and telling people about 'Platoon.'

I was offered a lot of supporting crazy parts in comedies because that's all I had done.

I've been a big fan of David Wain's and was honored to get to be in one of his projects.

My parents were supportive. I didn't have good grades, but they could tell I wasn't lazy.

'The State' was a huge thing for me. I watched that and 'SNL' together when I was 15, 16.

I really liked John Candy in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles.' He was so good in that movie.

If you can't forgive yourself, you think you're never going to be able to forgive yourself.

I grew up with my two sisters and my mom, so it's my lot in life to be surrounded by women.

Every two months, I would get an email, 'Skeleton Twins update: still don't have the money!'

When 'MacGruber' came out, David Wain was one of the first people who publicly championed it.

I remember seeing 'Spinal Tap' at a young age and being like, 'That's how you perform comedy.'

I'm always up before everybody else. I also crash at 3 o'clock when everybody's at their prime.

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