I hate the idea of genres.

I love movement. I love moshing.

If it's good music, it's good music.

Nothing really scares me, to be honest.

Writing music is just like writing a book.

I always want to create and do things, or draw.

I don't think a song should be put in a category.

I'm a really particular person. I want it my way.

It's really fun to be on stage in front of people.

People are terrified of me, and I want them to be.

When I write, I try to become different characters.

I never thought a career as a musician was possible.

Lyrics are so important, but they're really underrated.

I always wanted to be a Vine star. I wasn't, thank God.

Clothing & fashion are kind of my security blanket, almost.

It's rare for anyone to value the opinions of a teenage girl.

I've been in the Los Angeles Children's Chorus since I was 8.

When I was four, I wrote a song about falling into a black hole.

I always wear the kind of stuff that makes you overheat and die.

I love people talking about me; I love anybody just looking at me.

I've always done whatever I want and always been exactly who I am.

I like to be in control of how I look and how I feel and how I act.

Sexism is everywhere, bro. I don't know if it's ever not somewhere.

Some artists just ruin their voices because they don't know any better.

Aside from singing, I'm also a dancer. I've been dancing since I was 8.

Smiling makes me feel weak and not in control and not powerful and small.

In real life, I'm a really smiley person. I smile when I talk and I laugh.

I've always liked being busy. If I have nothing to do for a week, it just makes me mad.

It's really fun to put yourself into a character - into shoes you wouldn't normally be in.

Sometimes it's flattering when people copy you, but sometimes it gets to a breaking point.

There are alway going to be bad things. But you can write it down and make a song out of it.

I play piano and ukulele, and I taught myself those things just because I wanted to play them.

I have so many designs and video ideas and lyrics in my head, so I always try to be productive.

I used to make little movies when I was younger. I'd make my friends be in them and then edit them.

What inspires me about rap is that it's written in an almost poetic way. I just think it's so cool.

I really like hip-hop and rap; that's my main influence. I really wanna be more of a hip-hop artist.

You can write a song about being in love with someone, but you don't have to be in love with anyone.

When I do have free time, I spend it with friends, or I spend it at home writing or making something.

If I make music and people hate it, you know, whatever. I'll die someday, and one day, they will too.

We uploaded 'Ocean Eyes' to SoundCloud, and it started getting a lot of plays pretty much immediately.

Pirate was going to be my middle name, but then my uncle had a problem with it because pirates are bad.

People have so much going on in their heads. I'm like, If you could write a song, you'd feel so much better!

If I'm in a bad mood, or if I'm uncomfortable, it's probably what I'm wearing that's making me feel that way.

I've always been a singer. I never really decided I was gonna be a singer. It just kind of - I just sung a lot.

I think it's really cool when artists have song titles or album names that are a really conversational sentence.

I don't really get nervous that much, or if I do, only I know. It's all inside me. I am good at hiding everything.

Pretty much my whole life, I've been a performer and have loved singing and writing songs in my room for my own ears.

I'm gonna make what I want to make, and other people are gonna like what they're gonna like. It doesn't really matter.

Words are more powerful than some noises. Noises won't last long. Lyrics are so important, and people don't realise that.

I hate smiling. It makes me feel weak and powerless and small. I've always been like that; I don't smile in any pictures.

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