Marketing is the devil.

I've led a very eclectic life.

I always wanted to play a lawyer.

The audience, that's who I care about.

I'm as highly insecure as a human can be.

You have to really know what you're saying.

Sometimes I have songs born out of stories.

If you love somebody let them know every day.

Every character I play is me, always has been.

I don't think anybody chooses to be an underdog.

I don't know how to type so I handwrite everything.

I actually am a phobic twitchy sort of nervous guy.

I'm a vegan who cheats - that's what I call myself.

There aren't any people aligned with me passionately.

You can't knock a place where you realized your dreams.

I'm not really a guy who wants to be a director, anyway.

I don't have a fear of flying; I have a fear of crashing.

I'm more influenced by novelists than I am by filmmakers.

Songwriting and screenwriting aren't that different to me.

I quit flying years ago. I don't want to die with tourists.

One of the great regrets of my life is that I don't play piano.

Basically there are no stars anymore. The audience is the star.

I've been largely an improvisational actor for most of my career.

I love acting with all my heart and I love music with all my heart.

I’m not much of a drinker, so I’m going to eat seven pounds of pork.

One of the most important things for an actor is to know who you are.

People always like stories about the little guy fighting the big guy.

Kids won't watch older movies - they want to see what's hip right now.

As most characters are that I play, there's a lot of me in it, anyway.

I tend to like to move on. I don't sit around and dwell on things much.

I love independent film so much, and that's kind of where I made my mark.

My dad didn't hug me every day and say he loved me and anything like that.

Reality shows are usually created by people doing and saying stupid things.

LA has its own vibe. It has a charm that a lot of people overlook sometimes.

I never wanted to write a book, and people have asked me for years to do it.

I'm not a TV junkie outside of sports and history really and stuff like that.

Life is magical and I guess my thing is I wish that people wanted that magic.

Why wouldn't you be afraid of a Komodo dragon? It's a dragon. It's a dinosaur.

The great movies that I want to do now are being made for $2.5-million budgets.

Usually when you're playing a character, you think a lot about their backstory.

To tell you the truth, I don't ever talk about characters as separate from myself.

Man, I was drowning in sadness. And Angelina, she lifted me right up out of there.

I've danced one time in my life. It was the most mortifying experience I ever had.

After you've done 60-something movies, you're always looking for something different.

Usually with film writing I start with characters, and set about writing their story.

People over 40 stay home and watch television, that's why there are no movies out there.

I love being an actor, doing it all. That's not exciting and controversial, but it's true.

Getting the nomination is like gravy. Winning would be like whatever is better than gravy.

People's attention spans are a little shorter these days. Same thing with food and movies.

These days and times you can't do eclectic records. In the '60s you could, but not anymore.

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