This has been a dream for me.

Food is a big part of my life.

Take care of your body from the inside out.

It's cool to actually have my own trading card.

During the playoffs, I tone down the Internet usage.

Some people are so poor, all they have is their money.

I was always chasing Taylor, trying to keep up with him.

The people that are surrounding me have my best interest.

My entire career, everybody says I need to punch somebody.

We're not going to think about what's happened in the past.

You have to fall in love with the process of becoming great.

We can't have the mindset of becoming complacent with losing.

I'm not a huge fan of plastic surgery, for either guys or girls.

You hate missing games. You hate leaving your teammates out there.

I think the worst thing that's happened to sports is 'sources say.'

Oklahoma City's not real small; it's got a good amount of the people.

No one has ever bitten me, and I've never bitten anyone on the court.

The sincerity with which you do things, that's what shapes your life.

If I need to be, like, a guy that scores a lot, I'm willing to do that.

I want to be quicker, I want to be stronger, and I want to be a leader.

Before a game, I prefer R&B and stuff that calms me down, like the Weeknd.

My parents, I've always said, are two of the hardest working people I know.

If you get behind in first grade, then you're behind every grade from then on.

The best part is if you dunk on someone at home and they show it on the replay!

I do have a lot of resolutions, but I don't really make them at New Year's much.

Sometimes you just have to calm down a little bit and let the system work itself.

You always want to be better than you are. No matter what, I think that's important.

Teams go on runs. We have to be able to withstand a run and not get down on ourselves.

I've been wearing Zegna for a while. It started a long, long time ago, my rookie year.

That's the good thing about sports - it's very clear-cut. You either win, or you don't.

I followed Taylor everywhere. I was always trying to catch up after him or go with him.

I really love to play physical. That's when I feel like I'm at my best... I seek it out.

I think a lot of people have the idea that all I do is dunk and all I do is make layups.

Shoes are a big thing for me, just because it's hard to find shoes that fit me correctly.

It's just cool to try to leave behind something or improve something from how you left it.

The thing about the max is, you're worth whatever somebody is willing to pay you, in my mind.

I love the process. It's like I've fallen in love with the process of trying to become great.

I've got to be the one at the end of games that people can rely on, that our guys can rely on.

I think everybody's ideal is to have a wonderful career with one franchise, like Kobe and Tim Duncan.

Playing in the NBA has been a dream of mine for a long time, so to finally get to do that is amazing.

People can't measure the amount of heart you have and how much you're willing to fight for something.

I feel like people believe I'm thinking a different thing than I am because I have this look about me.

To me, I never get too caught up in the position thing. At the end of the day, you're playing your game.

Basketball is basketball, but with each level, there's new challenges and new things you have to pick up.

I was a big fan of Shaq when I was little, but I don't think I'm going to play too much like him, though.

You're not going to please everybody. I've just got to do whatever I feel is right, just use my judgment.

I love L.A. You definitely can't beat the weather, and being close to the beach is nice. It's a good town.

Contract year or not a contract year, I'm playing the exact same way and focused on the exact same things.

Sometimes in the moment when I'm doing a press conference, one of my favorite things is to watch reporters.

This must be how the guys in Space Jam felt when MJ gave them their powers back through that old basketball.

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