I think one day I'd like to win an Oscar.

'Teenage Dream' was the hardest breakup for me.

When I write for myself, I just get to be myself.

When I get an artistic itch, I have to scratch it.

I've always had a teenage thread running through my music.

It's nice to really have the freedom to write what I want.

I'm kinda famous for my barbecues - I'm always hosting parties.

My No. 1 is Johnny Depp, ever since 'Cry Baby.' He had my heart.

As long as I can reach somebody, then I feel like I'm doing my job.

I realized there are so many steps from getting a deal to having a hit.

Ke$ha is super talented and super fun and always down to party - I love that girl.

I love writing with Adam Lambert. He's really funny and very fun, he's a great friend.

It's great to just reach out and give something to the fans when they're hungry for it.

I feel like a lot of pop singers hurt themselves if they don't have the proper training.

No matter what, I always have expensive designer shoes. It's all about the shoes for me.

I'd like to go the Cher route and act and sing and write and have a TV show and do it all.

I had never really co-written. I thought it was weak or something if I needed to collaborate.

There's a lot of little 'Bonnie-isms' in 'Teenage Dream' that I was hoping to keep for myself.

I like big, soaring melodies and fun, splashy lyrics. Maybe like what Blondie would do in 2013.

A line has to have a certain number of syllables, and the next line has to be its mirror image.

For 'Dynamite,' Max and Luke went to dinner and left me with a melody, and then I put it together.

I wanted to make a video for the holidays, but none of the traditional holiday songs were moving me.

A lot of times, if you're not getting inspiration right away, we'll listen to stuff to get inspired.

It's just funny that anybody would care at all to take apart the words that I write. It's kind of cool!

I wish I wrote 'Don't Speak' by No Doubt. I mean, that is a classic heartbreak song; it gets me every time.

Try to say something familiar in a unique way so that it's sing-alongable, even if you don't speak English.

I just want to give people something to dance to, and something to cry to, and laugh to and fall in love to.

Maybe I'd like to be a little more than friends with Ryan Gosling, but I'd just like to hang out occasionally.

I was always super, super musical. So my parents recognized that and put me in choirs, piano lessons, and all that.

In real life I'm pretty easy going and pretty chill, I'm not the party girl who will go wild and crazy necessarily.

I was invincible. I believed all my problems were gone and I finally made it, that L.A. was my answer to everything.

I tend to get a little quirkier and crazier with my lyrics and come from a different angle when I'm writing for myself.

'I throw my hand up in the air sometimes' is when you don't get your way - when you give up, and you're handing it over.

I was writing songs as a kid about leprechauns and Catwoman and teapots - whatever it is that little girls wanna sing about.

I always had the fantasy of Hollywood and Los Angeles and the beach, not realizing that Hollywood was so very far from the beach.

Cheating is bad. That's a big mistake I've made, and I've really hurt people. I've never lied about it, though. I've always been honest.

If you can take it to the next level and really tell an interesting story in a unique and fresh way, then I feel like that's a great song.

I think I've learnt a lot about bullying and how to deal with bullying and how to get over that and to just be yourself and forget the haters.

I know 'Hallelujah' isn't actually a Christmas song, but it has that cozy, haunting vibe that sounds like a winter's night and belongs by a fire.

People like hearing songs that sound like something they've heard before, that's reminiscent of their childhood and of what their parents listened to.

I have a reoccurring dream that I'm in the ocean in New Zealand and everything is completely upside down, because it's on the other side of the planet.

One thing I'd tell an up-and-coming singer is to never rely on other people for anything. The more self-sufficient you can be, the better off you'll be.

I am a little crazy but when I'm on-stage, then I really get to play it up and perform and be over the top and it's like an outlet. It's fun to 'wild' out.

I've been singing since I could talk, pretty much. My dad was really musical and taught me how to sing harmonies and got me a karaoke machine with tape decks.

In my head, I wanted to be Madonna, but the music I was writing on paper was not what you'd choreograph dancers in costumes to. It was more coffee-house stuff.

I'm a really visual artist, and I love writing treatments for music videos, photo shoots, fashion, and all the visual parts that go along with making an album.

There are some artists that don't like working with other females, which is fine. They have their own thing. I personally love being surrounded by other females.

I was writing songs as a kid about leprechauns and Catwoman and teapots - whatever it is that little girls wanna sing about. The first song I wrote was called 'Kitten.'

Sometimes I write a song and I'm down with it but I'm like yeah, whatever, and then everybody loves it and then it blows up. I'm like: "Okay! I didn't see that coming."

I've had a lot of successes as a songwriter, and I really have nothing to prove in that arena, so I'm just excited about the next challenge of pursuing this artist thing.

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