Thank God for Botox.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I loved Katrina and the Waves.

I really enjoy doing the live stuff.

Holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night!

I havent had a big hit record in America since 1987.

I haven't had a big hit record in America since 1987.

I don't do every song that comes my way; I'm very choosy.

I still love to do the old songs. I know some people don't.

I love my nice things, but I'm still the Welsh family girl.

You think the Welsh are friendly, but the Irish are fabulous.

Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I'm only falling apart.

I'm always buying nice watches for my husband - Bentley Breitlings.

Every time I release an album my old record company releases another one.

My voice was left with its husky sound after surgery on large vocal nodules.

I love eyeshadow, blushers, and eyelashes with lots of black liquid eyeliner.

They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flames, but not the fire.

So many people release albums before Christmas and they get lost in the Christmas rush.

I'm always late to bed - usually after midnight - but then I sleep for around ten hours.

I love watching movies with happy endings or anything with Steve Martin or stuff like that.

Fabulous place, Dublin is. The trouble is, you work hard and in Dublin you play hard as well.

Every country I've had different hit records, so we have to change the set to fit the country.

Holding a menu at arm's length, peering at anything that required reading, made me feel so old.

We all have a great time. And then I go to bed, get up and do it all over again. I like my life.

It's really fantastic because families can come to my shows and they all like it. It's really weird.

In 1983 I'd had a number one. I'd sold 6 million copies of Total Eclipse Of The Heart all over the world.

I am itching like hell to play America because I know that if I did the show over there, they would love it.

I lost dozens of pairs of expensive glasses because I'd put them down and then not be able to find them again.

The international travelling gets harder as I get older, but when I'm performing on stage, it makes it all worth while.

I remember when the Atkins diet arrived; I lost 16 lb in the first month, but when I stopped, it all went back on again.

Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules, to fight the rising odds?

I've never taken drugs. My drug, I suppose, is drink. I never drink before I sing, but I do make up for it when I come off!

I have never gone out of fashion. And do you know why? Because I never sought it. When you don't seek it, it's always with you.

I collect traditional Aubusson tapestries that you can hang on a wall. The last lot I bought were from an antiques fair in London.

When I tour with the new album, I still do the classics, and I love the atmosphere it creates with the whole audience singing along.

My mother was the only one who encouraged and inspired me for singing. She was singing all the time in the house, playing records also.

I started singing when I was 18 and landed my first record deal with RCA when I was 26 after a lot of grafting singing in pubs and clubs.

I do believe that God blessed me in life with a wonderful family, a successful career, and a loving marriage, and remain thankful for that blessing.

I never enjoyed making videos, even though the 'Total Eclipse' video was nominated for a Grammy along with the song. We lost out to the 'Billie Jean' video.

It's no good singing if you just want to be a pop star; you've got to work at it and do it for the love for it, not because you think it will make you famous.

I used to carry a bag of records down to my friend's house every Friday, and we'd sit down and play all the records I loved, and we'd look at the album covers.

I was born Gaynor Hopkins, one of seven children. My mum, Elsie, and dad, Glyndwr, always said they had seven children, although my sister Paulene was stillborn.

I've been singing since I was 16 because I love it - I wanted to be a singer, not a star. There's a difference between wanting to be famous and wanting to sing well.

I never forget the first time I was on 'Top of the Pops', my bass player said: 'You've made it!' I did used to think, when I was younger, that I'd be on there one day.

When I was in the recording studio, I needed to concentrate on what my voice was doing, which is rather difficult if you can't actually see what you are supposed to be singing.

We stay in U2's hotel. They bought a hotel, The Clarence, a nice place and it's in an area where everything's happening, so many fantastic restaurants and bars and the people are so friendly.

I know I express myself best singing love songs, and Jim Steinman gave me my rock style, which I have always wanted. I can express myself best putting a lot of emotion into singing rock songs.

I've got my feet on the ground because I've got a lovely family waiting for me when I get home, even though they're not my flesh and blood. I haven't got children. That's my only regret, I suppose.

I love Tina Turner. I'm one of Tina Turner's biggest fans. Tina Turner was a big influence on me to become a singer. A role model and in a way she gave me back my confidence in choosing my material.

When you're in the music business, every day is the same. If you work 9 to 5, you can't wait for the weekend, but in the music business, you don't know one day from the next. It's always the weekend.

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