I'm pretty laid back.

I like Hawaiian pizza.

I thought Oasis were great.

Stevie Wonder is extraordinary.

My wife, Donna, is a fantastic cook!

I'm the black sheep: I got into telly.

I like something you can hum along to.

It's a young man's game - standup comedy.

Time travel is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

To be honest, I wasn't the best stand-up comic.

My goodness, what a blast it is filming 'Woody.'

On my tombstone it will say, 'At last, a day off.'

I only got into show business because I quit football.

People don't realise I have seriously bad blepharitis.

I am probably the oldest new artist Sony has ever signed.

I love pirates, and I'm a big fan of the Johnny Depp films.

I am very flattered that so many people loved 'Chasing Dreams.'

Have you ever noticed when people stop laughing, they say, 'Oh dear?'

The only time I scream is when I see the 5 A.M. start on the call sheet.

The times change, and if you don't change with them, you get left behind.

I want to try to help shift perceptions people may have of me as an actor.

I'm good at observing people, physical stuff, which leant itself to acting.

To do a train wreck and make it look real on screen is tremendously skilful.

I grew up listening to legends such as Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Tony Bennett.

Families have a sense of kinship that no four strangers would ever have as a team.

I said, 'If I don't play football for a living, I'm going to get into show business.'

There's no point doing a job where you're uncomfortable or doing something you dislike.

I like people to have a bit of a laugh. Life is too short to not enjoy what you're doing.

Everyone's path is different. It's not always about money - sometimes it's about the journey.

I first started as an actor, but there was no money in it, which is why I drifted into comedy.

A lot of comics make good actors. Actors make bad comics. They can't do it the other way round.

I'm loving every second working with the brilliant Kayvan Novak; it's a hoot from dawn to dusk!

Normally, if I've got an audition, I'm punctual, I've learnt my lines, and I'll go looking smart.

The first real gig I went to was Randy Crawford in 1980. Seeing a big star like that was just fantastic.

'The Chase' is such a strong format and so simple to follow. The best quiz show formats are the simplest.

I've - to be honest with you, I've never had an acting lesson. But I've been at drama school for 50 years.

I reckon there could be an entire 'It'll Be Alright On The Night' programme dedicated to me on 'The Chase.'

On 'The Chase,' I don't know what questions are going to appear, so they deliberately try and catch me out.

I don't think I can plate-spin, I've turned loads of things down because I just can't get the time to do it.

You never know what's coming round the corner. There's only one thing coming round the corner - more corners.

All I ever wanted to do was play football. I was never one for revising, and I only left school with three O Levels.

That's what I think a journalist from the '70s and '80s should look like - as though he has led a full journalistic life.

I don't want to do the same thing all the time, and I was thrilled to bits to do a BBC comedy. It's the home of British comedy.

I can't listen to rap music; it's not my thing. They say that they're the modern poets: of course they are, but it's not for me.

I was earning a living. I was getting into more acting, then 'Coronation Street' came along, and it was the chance of a lifetime.

Debra Stephenson and I are nothing more than friends and have a close working relationship - we certainly have not had an affair.

You can't give up. If you set yourself a target, you've got to keep on until you achieve it. It's a matter of having pride in yourself.

I used to watch 'Doctor Who' as a child with William Hartnell and Pat Troughton in the black-and-white days, so being cast is brilliant.

Unfortunately, my football career wasn't very long. The reason I finished playing was because I fractured both ankles in a matter of months.

Me and Stormzy. We're gonna do an album. We're gonna do an album of Nelson Riddle arrangements in grime form. It's gonna be called 'Griddle'.

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