Simon Mignolet has been first class.

I've got huge respect for Arsenal as a club.

Whilst I'm here, I'll always do the best I can.

Liverpool give young players a good opportunity.

The Merseyside derby games are unique in the city.

I suppose that fear of failure is what drives me on.

The best players want to play in the best competition.

All I can ever promise is that I will do my very best.

Liverpool is one of the superpowers of world football.

I speak to the Spanish players that we have in Spanish.

They brought on someone who cost more than our stadium.

I try to implement my own ways of making teams successful.

Young players will run through a barbed wire fence for you.

Criticism comes with the territory when you don't win games.

Liverpool Football Club is the heartland of football folklore

It's not always plain sailing... especially when you're flying!

Sometimes keepers are looked at differently to outfield players.

I've always been inspired by people who can speak other languages.

I'm very proud of my work at Watford in what has been a short period.

The key for scouting is trying to predict when the player is peaking.

When you manage Liverpool, you know the Manchester United job is gone.

If one day I go to a game and I don't feel I can win, maybe I don't go.

My message is always very, very clear: I'm very concentrated on the game.

The responsibility will always go with the manager - you put out the team.

I've always been a great lover of Barcelona and the structure of the club.

I can categorically tell you that Mario Balotelli will not be at Liverpool.

I'd rather lose a game trying to win it, than lose it trying not to get beat

The biggest thing you can have as a football manager is happiness and energy.

Believe it or not, the sky is blue here in Glasgow. I absolutely love it here.

Racism - whether it's in football or society, there's absolutely no place for it.

I will always fight for my life for Liverpool, and that will be on and off the field.

I like teams to control and dominate the ball so the players are hungry for the ball.

I was surprised we were playing in Manchester and have a referee from Greater Manchester.

It turns out I share a birthday with Jose Mourinho. He is exactly 10 years older than me.

My biggest mentor is myself because I've had to study, so that's been my biggest influence.

That ability to press immediately, within five or six seconds to get the ball, is important

I had a wonderful time at Liverpool. My three and a half years there was a great experience.

If you give a bad player time, he can play. If you give a good player time, he can kill you.

All players, whether they're Spanish, French, English, Welsh, want to play football. To play.

Would I work in Scotland again? Of course I would. I loved every single second of being there.

The word you sometimes get is 'deluded,' they use, but for me, I've always been very positive.

It's the nature of it. The players will want to compete at the highest level they possibly can.

Look at Tottenham. You spend over £100-odd million, you'd expect to be challenging for the league.

One of my strengths is I learn, and I like to learn from all sorts of people in all walks of life.

As a guy from Northern Ireland who supported Celtic and worked in football, I'm living my dream here.

My father loved European football; he also loved the Brazilian team. His own dad loved the Brazilian team.

I’ve always said that you can live without water for many days, but you can’t live for a second without hope.

I'm never going to walk away because I'll always have belief that I can improve players and make things better.

When you've got the ball 65-70% of the time, it's a football death for the other team...It's death by football.

I'm blessed to be supported by some brilliant staff, who are all experts in their field and dedicated to what they do.

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