People just want good stories.

Life is mostly just learning how to lose.

But nothing warps time quite like childhood

Yeah, that's right. Flee in terror, bitches!

Print and digital comics will always coexist.

Fans of my books have just been supremely nice.

Happy endings are bullshit. There are only happy pauses.

Reef aquariums are definitely the pinnacle of the hobby.

Comics are essentially films with fewer frames per second.

I don't think I have discipline when it comes to anything.

I don't start a story until I know where it's going to end.

I'm not afraid of the world. I'm afraid of a world without you.

I, for example, am a pompous asshole, but my comics are genius!

I've never had any interest in retelling stories from my youth.

Every issue, the characters and I duke it out. They usually win.

Comics brought me to the dance. It'll always be my first loyalty.

A comic script is basically a love letter from you to your artist.

There's a lot of fiction from that period that we're nostalgic for.

I'm still digesting the '90s. It takes some time to get perspective.

There's a lot of dark stuff from the '80s that we don't think about.

I just want to take a realistic look now, now that we have enough distance.

If a good editor will let me tell my story with the right artist, I'm happy.

I'm just grateful to finally be telling a story with all females at the lead.

Doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, a good partnership takes work.

Violence is stupid. Even as a last resort, it only ever begets more of the same.

Brubaker and Phillipss books have always been about eight years ahead of their time.

I've never gotten anything but support and thanks from people for having diverse books.

The biggest inspiration for everything I do is, of course, my wife, playwright Ruth McKee.

Just go out there and get your heart broken in, so it'll be ready when you really need it.

I have no imagination; I just steal from life and change the color. Then it's a comic book.

When a man carries an instrument of violence, he'll always find the justification to use it.

I am a big theater fan. It's mostly just being pretentious, I think, and trying to look smart.

Okay, is anyone else worried that some of the fruit didn't fall far enough away from the tree?

I'm really happiest living life 22 pages at a time and putting things in little boxes on pages.

Immigration confuses and terrifies me, so why not try to write a comic and make some sense of it?

There's just something about that late '80s that suddenly feels like it has something to teach us.

I think some people are just very passionate that things remain the way they were when they were kids.

Each collected edition of Paper Girls that we put out will largely be set in an entirely different era.

As you get older you start to see these events and leaders, and movements of the pendulum swinging back.

We're always looking roughly 30 years behind us. In the '80s they were obsessed with the '50s and so on.

There are only three forms of high art: the symphony, the illustrated children's book and the board game.

All writing is the same: It's just making up lies until it starts to sound like the truth. That's what I do.

I start with something that makes me angry or confused, and then I write about it. It's a form of self-help.

What cruel creatures men are. Our bodies tell us to love so many, but there's room in our hearts for so few.

I mean, do you know what you get when you call a suicide hotline in New York city? A busy signal. Literally.

After ten years of toiling away in Hollywood, I realized that there's no better place for new ideas than comics.

I've always thought of fantasy as a genre of best-case scenarios, and horror as a genre of worst-case scenarios.

The appealing thing about comics: There literally is no budget in comics. You're only limited by your imagination.

It's TV shows like 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that usually have an incredible cliffhanger every commercial break that amaze me.

I love that the book [Paper Girls ] gets to kind of evolve and change in each era. Our third storyline is our best so far.

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