All glory to God. I'm nothing.

All I do is just live in the gym.

I've been in so many street fights.

Sometimes, the best response is no response.

I want to help make the world a better place.

I better be humble. I'm always checking myself.

My fifth pro fight, I got my first title fight.

Sometimes I wish I could just fight at 155 pounds.

I love being the underdog. I'm cool in my dog house.

I dropped out or got kicked out of four high schools.

I'll do things that a lot of people think is very risky.

I've never met a fighter who said, 'I love cutting weight.'

Sometimes it takes me a little longer to kick into my gears.

I wasn't really a beach boy. I was a city boy, afraid of the ocean.

I come from a city where we really didn't have too many role models.

I want to go out and help people and share love where love is needed.

I liked to pretend a lot. I thought I could be anything that I wanted.

I want to secure my name. I'll fight who I have to fight for the belt.

The weight of the world on my shoulders was something that I had to let go.

Fight fans always appreciate a fighter who is willing to step up on short notice.

I've been doing charity work since I'm 20 years old, and now I want to help kids.

The Brian Ortega Foundation will cater to all people who have all kinds of problems.

I don't want to spend all the money I've made and then have to hustle fight to fight.

I've proven I can hang in there, go through adversity, and pull tricks out of the bag.

If we have more confidence in ourselves, we can live a happier life and a better life.

I've always wanted better for myself; I just didn't know what route I was going to take.

I saw my first UFC fight when I was 15 and figured, 'This is what I want to do when I grow up.'

Sometimes when you get eager, you get sloppy. Sometimes when you get sloppy, you get knocked out.

I'm not the perfect person, but I have the perfect heart, I feel, when it comes to helping people.

My house always had at least 14 people in it. And one bathroom. So I didn't really want to be home.

My whole thing is I don't want to break mentally. I want to find comfort in uncomfortable situations.

I just want people to realize that it doesn't take much to be a good person. Simple things is all it takes.

I've gotta check, but I think I'll be the first UFC fighter in history to have the lead role in a big movie.

It doesn't matter that I'm taking a fight on a month's notice. I've taken many fights on two seconds' notice.

Cub Swanson's a guy you either get through or you don't, and I fought him when he was on a nice winning streak.

Obviously it's great to train at home and not have to travel and stay in the same time zone. That's always great.

I very strongly dislike fear. I always say fear keeps us from living our lives and doing the things we want to do.

I'm not picky; I'll get it how I can take it. Submission, KO - whatever it is, if it has me winning, I'll take it.

My whole life, I thought I sucked. And then I get in here, and I grapple other people, and I'm like, 'I'm actually good.'

I really love to help kids that are struggling and going through a tough time, and I want to be a positive light on them.

I am who I am. I'm a cool person, and I don't think I need to sell myself. I'm just going to let the fights keep talking.

I'm human, and we all make mistakes. But just because you're knocked down, you don't have to stay down. Get up and fight.

I have my parents to keep me in check, a team that loves me, and I have the ability to go out there, dream, and chase it.

When I get in there, I try to really make sure there's no quit in me and that whoever I fight is going to have a long night.

As a pro, in the beginning, I had to sell tickets to get paid. So you gotta be a hustler, and you gotta worry about fighting.

Training full-on year round is great, and I love to stay in shape and always being ready, but I feel sometimes I don't have a life.

It's never been about an opponent. I don't care who it is. Just throw them in front of me and let me do what I have to do. Let me earn the belt.

I was sitting around, moping and feeling badly for myself. I went to the hospital to visit a child, and it hit me: helping people is what I'm meant to do.

There's little windows that open up during the fight, to finish your opponent. Whenever those windows open, I'm jumping right through them without hesitation.

I'm the kind of guy who, if you tell me you can't do something, like, 'Brian, you can't do a backflip off that two-floor building,' and I'm going to give it a shot.

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