I think I hit the bottom when my wife left me while I was on the road.

You have to work on forgiveness and love, and that includes your own self.

My thing is, get Jesus to come and live inside, and let Him start cleaning house.

I loved music, but I found myself at the point where I wanted to die. I didn't care about life.

I'm real excited. I'm so blessed to have so much peace and joy inside. I just can't keep quiet about it.

I've had a big heart my whole life; all the Korn fans know that. A lot of people told me that I was different.

There's so much life to live, and if you just keep on breathing and keep on walking, you will get through everything.

No one wants critical, 'You can't do this or that' religion. People want authentic love, and that's what we are displaying.

I like to read a lot, man. I read a lot and meditate and just go to that place. I'm not really an outdoorsman. I don't watch TV.

I love Jesus' Church! I love the charismatics, the Calvary Chapels, the non-denominational ones, and even the ones that don't believe in the gifts.

All the drama you see about Christianity or the Catholic religion? People are seeing through that, and there are really authentic people out there with faith.

Every time I looked in the mirror, it was like, 'You're not good enough.' 'There's always someone more popular.' 'There's always someone more gifted in music.'

It just broke my heart, and I had to get away from it. I love them to death, but they know how bad it got. It's not their fault, but I couldn't do that any longer.

I worshipped money so much that it ruined my life. Money is not my god. I just want to manage His money for Him, for the poor people, the lost kids. I just love everybody.

I come from a background where, if someone is rough and tough, you handle things physically. People betrayed me, and you just want to choke them. But you choose forgiveness.

I had to put my kid before my career and all the money I was making. I decided to do the right thing. I was dying inside. If I didn't have my daughter, I would be dead right now, for sure.

These dudes were 30 years old, and they would compete about getting the best chick. That came before their friendships. Some of them treat women like they're objects. I never felt like that.

When I was in the rock band, I got to do whatever I wanted. I had people paying my bills, and I didn't have time to grow up. When I got sober and left Korn, it was like, 'OK, now I can mature.'

I learned that I'm really good with perseverance. I'm stronger than I thought I was inside. I also learned that I don't give up easily and that I trust and believe that things are going to be OK.

When I wasn't in the band, Korn management hit me up every year or two asking me to rejoin. I would do book signings, and they would send someone to say, 'Hey, it would be cool to have you back one day.'

I didn't have the best relationship with my dad. I was bullied in school, picked on. I remember the first time of just trying to connect with girls. It was just rejection after rejection. So I always felt ugly.

The most important lesson that were supposed to be learning right now is how completely lost we are without God. If we don't learn this lesson, then our lives are going to have zero meaning. (Stronger: Forty Days of Metal and Spirituality)

I'm done with books for a while. They take a lot of time, and they take a lot out of you. Maybe I'll write another in the future when my hair starts turning white and I'm, like, that Gandalf-looking dude with white dreads and a white beard.

Sometimes it looks like God's abandoned you, but not for any reason. To make your faith grow and to see that, no matter what happens, you come out OK... It's all for your good. It's all for love, and it's all for making you a strong person.

That was very flattering, meeting Steve Vai and hearing his stuff, because he was kind of a fan, even though we kind of dumbed down what he was doing and what people were doing in the '80s. We weren't doing solos; we were doing sounds and all this creepy, trippy stuff.

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