I never did love Hollywood, I just loved the work.

I think I'm going to pull a Charlie Chaplin and have kids when I'm 60.

If someone's 20 years old and every third line out of their mouth is anti-something specific, then draw your own conclusion.

You can have a knack for dancing, but you still have to practice till your feet are bleeding to be worthy of being in front of an audience.

'Beverly Hills Cop' opened up a whole world. I got the television show and movies, and I would go sign autographs for one hour and get paid $25,000.

Soap operas are a world where rich people always have chandeliers and hip people have striped hair and the language that they use doesn't have any flexibility anymore.

'Restoring' is a very arrogant concept. If you're taking a house from 1812, do you restore it to how it looked the day after it was built, or restore it to the way it looked in 1828, or the way it looked in 1872? Do the minimum to stop it from falling apart, and then get away.

I go to the gym a lot, and I see these guys, these young actors or models there, really punishing themselves - I mean, just killing themselves. And then I'll see one of them on a billboard, with the artfully messy hair, looking as though it's just natural and easy to have a body like that.

Everyone in show business makes these sweeping, "I'll never work with so-and-so again," because that's the way you feel at the moment. It's a business where there really is no point in ever saying never. There are people I've sworn that I would never go near again, and then you see an interesting role that would put you opposite that person and you think, "Well, we'll work together, maybe they were having a bad year."

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