I don't trust a lot of journalists.

I'm neither Democrat nor Republican.

I don't think about my fame very much.

I won't allow myself to have tremendous fear.

My men's-underwear print ads are very popular!

Commercials capture your attention, that's all.

I'm crazy, and I don't pretend to be anything else.

I love Brooke. Exploiting her was never my intention.

It's fun seeing my label on someone's behind - I like that.

The only way to advertise is by not focusing on the product.

People read things into my commercials that don't even exist.

When I get into bed at night, I hope I don't get into it alone!

I'm not trying to be Mr. Universe, but I want to stay in shape.

What we're doing is fun - if you have any sense of humor at all!

I don't dwell on success. Maybe that's one reason I'm successful.

I have the New York Daily News to thank for the jeans controversy.

The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural.

I've been strong and determined all my life about many things I've wanted.

Anyone who is secure about herself shouldn't be threatened by the ads I do.

I'm a sexual person, and that's reflected in my clothes and my advertisements.

If you really love someone and care about him, you can survive many difficulties.

I have the reputation of being easygoing. But inside, I'm like nails. I will kill.

Women's Wear Daily can do more than any other publication to establish a designer.

Traditionally, the sample is always better than the stock you deliver to the store.

I personally would not have plastic surgery. What the hell for? It looks ridiculous.

Levi's can produce many more Western jeans than we can and make them at a better price.

People in their 70s can still have incredible lives. Health is the most important thing.

I guess I don't have a proper perspective on my fame; if I did, I don't think I'd like it.

I don't always want my opinion known. What little privacy I have left I'd like to maintain.

I'm in a business where no one cares about anything except how well your last collection sold.

Nothing earth-shattering has happened in men's fashion. How much can you do with men's clothes?

People who run a ready-to-wear company are businessmen rather than production or design people.

I certainly feel that an adult woman has a right to determine what happens to her life and body.

There are a lot of gay people in fashion, but it's not as if every gay person is a great creator.

When I started the business, I hardly went home. I became very driven about work and about my career.

I think there's something incredibly sexy about a woman wearing her boyfriend's T-shirt and underwear.

Some people feel that what we're doing makes no sense, that it's just a waste of money. But it's working.

It seems there's always another rumor about my life; some people are simply talked about more than others.

We were using Brooke as an actress; she was playing different roles: a liberated woman, a teenager, a vamp.

No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.

AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS' being some kind of divine retribution is crap.

I've met people who didn't even know there was a Calvin Klein; they thought it was just the name of a product.

I love women. I'm trying to do beautiful things with them. I'm not trying to insult them. My life is not about that.

I'm more offended when someone's killed on television than when there's something that's sensuous or sexual. So what?

We're not doing outrageous fashion; I make sports clothes that are relatively conservative, clothes that everyone wears.

My wardrobe consists of antique clothes, many of my designs, plus shoes and shirts from Brooks Brothers and Paul Stuart.

I couldn't have attended half the parties that I was supposed to have been to according to the newspapers. It bothers me.

There has been a change in men's attitudes toward their clothes. Men are more aware of fashion; they're not afraid of it.

People have told me about organized crime in the fashion industry, but I can't talk about that. I'm looking to stay alive.

You don't only worry about the people who hate or resent you; in a way, you're more worried about the people who love you.

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