I want to break standards.

I am such a private person.

I never travel wearing makeup.

I don't believe in crash dieting.

It's really easy to want to just sleep all day.

I decided to turn in my pompoms and focus on modeling.

If you're not happy with something, take positive steps.

Making sure my skin is hydrated is my number one priority.

I'm all about spontaneity. I think it makes for greatness.

I wanna be one of those people that young women look up to.

If someone needs a bobby pin or a safety pin, I always have it.

I remember loving looking at J.Lo because she had a set of hips.

I love to work my glutes and triceps and use a lot of free weights.

I like to think of my life as very spontaneous and new all the time.

A relationship always feels good when you have your man supporting you.

I never took modeling seriously because I was so busy with cheerleading.

I crave clean food, but do have an occasional chocolate bar or ice cream.

My number one tip is if you do not need to wear makeup for something, don't.

When I hear the words 'New York Fashion Week,' I immediately think of Marc Jacobs.

There's no point in being a relationship if the two of you don't support one another.

Passions aren't something you have to think about, they're something you know and feel.

Pairing jeans with a stiletto and a body suit is my go-to that makes me feel my sexiest.

But maybe someday I'll be reporting on the sidelines instead of dancing on the sidelines.

It's motivating when someone tells you it's possible to do something that seems impossible.

I like to meditate, take baths at home with essential oils and salts and write in a journal.

I want to model and I want to do whatever it takes to be a 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit model.

Whether there's music, there's not music, it's an appropriate time to dance or not, I'm dancing.

It's kind of tough to get noticed. Sure, I can kick my leg over my head, but how do I get noticed?

Growing up, it was hard to associate with some of the women who were being portrayed in the media.

I've been told no a thousand times and 'Model Search' gave me the opportunity to be seen, to be heard.

I'm such a day-to-day person and 'Sports Illustrated' was a 12-year-long dream that finally came true.

I was a girl with freckles and grew into a young woman a little bit more quickly, with hips and thighs.

Jet Blue is my preferred airline. I love the cleanliness, technology, and the staff is always wonderful.

It wasn't until I read 'SI Swim' that I was like, 'Wow, I love my freckles, I like my thighs, I like my curves.'

Oh my goodness, do I aspire to be like Gisele? I just turned 23, I'm enjoying being young and focusing on my career.

It's OK to feel good about yourself because it's not doing any good for anybody else to be fearful or spread anxiety.

I didn't even aspire to be a model because I didn't see myself represented, even as simple as the freckles on my skin.

I just think that as much as we say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me - words do hurt.

My birthstone is amethyst. I have one from my grandma that's kind of like my good-luck charm. If I'm anxious, I hold it.

There's definitely been times when I've been on sets and I was the bigger model in the room, where they're casting girls.

Accepting all that you are will lead you to live your best life and will allow you to be free and your true authentic self.

There are nothing but great things that come out of dancing. People are laughing, people are uncomfortable, it's an ice breaker.

As I grew older and the dance became more competitive and more disciplined, that's when I started to realize that I'm an athlete.

Going to the spa is the ultimate way to unwind, but unfortunately with such a busy schedule, I'm not able to always get to there.

I just want to remind people that you know yourself better than anybody else and if you don't believe in yourself, then who will?

When I am sitting in a movie theater with my girlfriends or boyfriend, I think how cool would it be to watch a movie with me in it.

I'm on the road a lot, so I'm always carrying resistance bands with me. I use them in hotels and even on Uber rides or on the plane.

I love the Kopari Lip Glossy. I always have three of those. Every time I see them, I buy another one because I never want to run out.

I felt I had 'made it' as a model when I was invited to be the first model to shoot for the 2019 'Sports Illustrated' Swimsuit issue.

Right out of college I was offered a job with 'Saturday Night Football' and I ended up turning it down because I really wanted to travel.

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