I have very eclectic tastes.

I've traveled around the world.

What is that hair? So yesterday.

I certainly support civil unions.

We've mismanaged going into Iraq.

I am a conservative and proud of it.

Politics is different than business.

Once I dive in, I dive in all the way.

Women are not all single-issue voters.

Nobody needs to worry about my toughness.

Challenge the mind and capture the heart.

We need to fix our legal immigration system.

I know why jobs go, and I know why they come.

The people are fed up with the political class.

Don't think of yourself as a woman in business.

Look, you need technical skills to run a company.

Silos can't interoperate unless the technology does.

[Donald] Trump is a [Hillary] Clinton Christmas gift.

Of course people think Washington is arrogant. It is.

Nobody needs to worry whether or not I've been tested.

I'm quoting Margaret Thatcher. I quote her frequently.

I think bolstering free trade is a boon to the dollar.

It's the federal government's job to secure the border.

Leadership comes in small acts as well as bold strokes.

Well, I've been a Republican for all of my voting life.

Many people have asked me how I feel about losing my job

I'm not a professional politician, I'm a problem solver.

Many people have asked me how I feel about losing my job.

A vendor neutral, standards-based approach must be adopted

There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore.

Leadership is all about unlocking the potential in others.

Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, by his own admission.

When you don't respond to bad behavior, you get more of it.

There are Tea Parties, and I would say plural, in California.

I'm really paying attention. People make up their minds late.

I do not agree that the court can or should redefine marriage.

I love being a woman. I like dressing up; I love buying shoes.

You know, I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Hillary Clinton has gotten every foreign policy challenge wrong.

I've never thought in terms of 'men do this' and 'women do that.'

Life is not measured in time, but in love, contribution, and grace.

I don't take on a fight just for a fight. I don't tilt at windmills.

Human potential is the only limitless resource we have in this world.

You do not need to have a 2,400-page bill come out of Washington, D.C.

Our founders never intended us to have a professional political class.

Do not be afraid to make decisions, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

The highest calling of leadership is to unlock the potential of others.

The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.

People who don't fit the mold are treated differently than those who do.

Well I'm not a novelist. I've only written one book and that is a memoir.

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