I've become a lot wiser over the years.

I'm a very simple person. I don't use computers.

I feel so lucky that I had so many opportunities.

I've had moments where it's like being in the Matrix.

I quit steaks for a while, but it's a hard habit to break.

To experience life you have to kind of face a lot of fears.

Parenting takes a lot of creativity, and I embrace it fully.

Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life.

Marriage is a lot more challenging when you have a demanding career.

When I did 'Memento,' independent film was where all the really good stuff was.

For me, the biggest thing is someone who's kind. I'm not into the bad-boy thing.

In real life, I'm the kind of person that if I use Siri, I thank her afterwards.

I've never been interested in action movies. Definitely not interested in sci-fi.

I love 'The Matrix' a lot - I am lucky and blessed to be a part of it, and I believe in it.

I'm not one of those people that needs to have all of the new gadgets or wants any of that.

I want to feel creative when I'm working. I don't want to just work for the sake of working.

After 'The Matrix,' I cannot wear sunglasses. As soon as I put them on, people recognize me.

Modelling asks you to be conscious of your outer self, but with acting, you have to let that go.

I grew up in a very middle-class life. I'm grateful for it - it has given me a lot of stability.

I think it's great that we're living in a time when everyone is being represented on TV and film.

Jessica Jones isn't dressed in a sexy outfit to turn people on. She's gritty. She's a human being.

Who could have imagined that a platform like - I'll use Netflix as a example - that it could be so good?

When I was a kid, I didn't know Canadians could be actors. I thought just Americans could get acting jobs.

You never know, especially on episodic television, you just don't know week to week what's going to happen.

The writers are so smart, I can only imagine. I would love to be in that room. I love the creative process.

Eventually I want to be a full-time mother who works occasionally - and being an actor you have that freedom.

I like stories about the world, where we're at. I like to explore humanity. I like to explore my own humanity.

It's never a surprise to me that a job that I'm doing reflects what I'm going through or what I'm thinking about.

Even though I thought of myself as soft and squishy, I always had this great will and focus and was just so driven.

Are you gonna fuel your faith or fuel your fear? I'm all about fueling my faith, especially when it's hard to do so.

I don't believe in being typecast. If I believed it, it probably would have happened to me. You attract what you make.

'Field of Dreams' made me realize that I wanted to live my dreams, to risk things for what I felt and what I dreamt of.

You'll have a guy, and they're aging however they're aging, and nobody really cares. If you're a woman, it's different.

I love storytelling. I love characters that are complicated and layered, real people, that you see why they do what they do.

I have absolutely no problem being thought of as an action chick because, quite frankly, very few women have ever done that.

I am thrilled to be on a Marvel Netflix show. I'm excited that we're getting to watch this kind of content... It's groundbreaking.

Feeling strong is important, and to feel in your body is a vital part of being a woman, regardless of whether you're a mother or not.

I love to play women who are strong and unapologizing and kind of rough around the edges and don't care what anybody thinks about that.

When the fights were over for the second and third 'Matrix,' I thought, 'Okay, I never have to do that again.' It's incredibly stressful.

When I was seven, my mom would come home every day, and I would have the phone book open to talent agencies, and I would have them highlighted.

There was a day when doing TV was like, oh my God, the end of your career. Now it's just like, we all want to do TV; we all want to do great TV.

I've never been attracted to sci-fi per se. People tell me I'm in a genre kind of movie, but it never crossed my mind that 'The Matrix' was genre.

I think a lot of acting is having the confidence to be open enough to try things and not be afraid of falling on your face and looking like a fool.

I guess when you're carrying a film, you feel the weight of that because you're there every day, and you feel the weight of your character that way.

When I was a kid, I don't think I even knew what being gay was, and now it's just part of our culture. It's changing so rapidly right now. It's great.

The thing I love about music is that if a singer is good, let's say, you are instantly transported to that emotion. Acting is a more drawn-out process.

I definitely acknowledge that The Matrix and Trinity had an influence on female action-oriented characters in television and in film. I think it's awesome.

Technology is just so fast. As convenient as it is, it's stressing a lot of us out. It's just too much, too quick. And I'm interested in that conversation.

When I first had kids, I had a suitcase under my bed that I didn't even put away, and I was excited about going to all of these new places all of the time.

I definitely acknowledge that 'The Matrix' and Trinity had an influence on female action-oriented characters in television and in film. I think it's awesome.

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