I am a huge Red Sox fan.

It's hard to get me out of the office.

I confess I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift.

I love The Matrix, especially the first one.

Whatever your gender, you can be a 'Star Wars' fan.

I'm interested in how the Internet spreads information.

Sometimes, the word 'voluntary' is a little complicated.

In government, you're not a writer, you're an administrator.

Game Of Thrones is arguably the hottest thing on television.

Well, I've liked Star Wars since the late '70s. I liked it a lot.

Donald Trump and Senator Cruz have occasional Manichean tendencies.

Like a bank run, a decline in stock prices creates its own momentum.

The habit I've developed is to write in any free half hour I might find.

I think that every state in the union should recognize same-sex marriage.

I think a lot of the Trump supporters think that the job situation is not good.

For consumers, the lesson is simple: Genetically modified foods are safe to eat.

There is no liberty without dependency. That is why we should celebrate tax day.

Voters like to fall in love with presidential candidates, at least a little bit.

I would reject the distinction between a Keynesian moment and a behavioral moment.

There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause

There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause.

So, I subscribe to the following reading: Star Wars is an essentially Christian tale.

I got into the genesis of Star Wars, and the tale seemed to me endlessly fascinating.

If there's a regulation that's saving 10,000 lives and costing one job, it's worth it.

Liberals are sometimes defined as people who can't take their own side in an argument.

A program that saves young people produces more welfare than one that saves old people.

We often see a temper of the times connection, and it's just like a fairy tale. It's not true.

It's deeply human to do both the worst things and the best things because of your fear of loss.

As a matter of history, the Fourteenth Amendment was not understood to ban segregation on the basis of race.

Rules are not improved by sloganeering, fact-free letter-writing campaigns, or special pleading from interest groups.

When government programs fail, it is often because public officials are clueless about how human beings think and act.

We ought to ban hunting, I suggest, if there isn't a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law.

The 'cash for clunkers' program was a big success in part because it gave people the sense that the economy was moving.

Faust seems to have exerted a big influence on Star Wars. You know, the "give up your soul for immortality" or something.

This part of the 21st century is preoccupied with risk, and there's a lot that law can do to make lives longer and healthier.

Humility is of central importance; I think it's an underappreciated virtue in the contemporary discussion of law and politics.

Once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them.

The U.S. is blessed with tremendously creative and imaginative law students at places like Chicago, Harvard, Columbia and Yale.

Wikipedia works because those who know the truth are usually more numerous and committed than those who believe in a falsehood.

We shouldn't limit the idea of 'policy recommendations' to regulators. On the Internet, all of us are, in a sense, policymakers.

No one should take away people's rights. But with respect to 'the right to arm ourselves,' we have lost sight of our own history.

Interviewers actively fool themselves, finding ways to learn from interviews even if there's actually nothing there to learn from.

If Star Wars had been released in the late '60s, or late '80s, or late '90s, adjusting for technology, it fits spectacularly well.

I would think that to say 'regulations cost jobs' or 'regulations create jobs' is too simple, and we need to look at the regulation.

We ought to ban hunting, I suggest, if there isn't a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law. It's time now.

The original 'Star Trek' series is the classic one. Its successor, 'The Next Generation,' is less lovable, but at its best, it's smarter.

The idea that Taylor Swift would become the giant pop icon of 2015, 2016 - she's really good, but I don't think it's written in the stars.

My role in the government was not to think about narratives and consistency with narratives, but think of the human consequences of rules.

This is a very, very conservative judge who in his dissenting opinions is overwhelmingly likely to be more conservative than the majority.

For any child, boy or girl, a father is both Jedi and Sith: Obi-Wan Kenobi - gentle and calming and good - and Vader, fierce and terrifying.

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