When times get rough, keep your head up.

I need to stay calm and just pitch my game.

Baseball is a game-I just go out there and enjoy it.

It's not as bad as it was last year. It feels good today.

As long as we win games while I'm on the mound, I feel good.

I'm always online looking for new music and things like that.

I guess I'm getting older. I hate to say it, but I guess I am.

It's a great feeling to have the stadium rocking and chanting my name.

I'm happy to be with this organization, and I hope to retire as a Yankee.

I don't feel any pressure. I'm not nervous about going out there and pitching.

I don't care much about my personal record. I just want to be able to pitch in the playoffs.

I like Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City. With the waterfall and things like that, I think it's pretty cool.

I definitely care. I'm very competitive, but I am satisfied with my delivery and that I only missed with a few pitches.

I've always been big. I'm never going to be an underwear model. But I am who I am, and that has its advantages and disadvantages.

I had an imaginary friend. I don't know when I stopped having an imaginary friend, but my mom and everybody in my family remembers it pretty good. It's definitely true.

Before I came here, I had people telling me what a tough place New York is, how other players came here and struggled. But I never let that bother me. I came here because I want to win.

I grew up with video games. My generation kind of grew up with the Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. Then, I had a Dreamcast and, finally, the PlayStation. So yeah, I've always been a big gamer.

I was lucky enough to watch my son hit a grand slam at sports camp, and that was great. Yes, I may miss some things, but honestly, I think I get to see more than a dad who works a daily 9 to 5.

I remember one time in my junior year, in my art class, our teacher had us doing, like, finger paints, and I went and put a stripe on a girl's shirt, and it turned into a big paint fight. Paint all over the walls, all over everybody. It was pretty fun.

I was definitely honored to be chosen, but I just didn't feel ready to be pitching in big games yet. It was a tough decision. I talked to my wife and my mother. I'm not sure I'm ready to be pitching in front of 40,000 to 50,000 people. I don't think I'd be helping Team USA or the Indians if I hurried up (his training schedule) and got hurt.

We FaceTime and Skype. My two older kids got iPods for their birthdays, so they can FaceTime their dad whenever they need him. They always get a six o'clock call right after dinner, and I make sure I talk to each child. Even my 1-year-old gets on the phone and says 'Daddy.' They know my schedule by now and count the days back until I get home.

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