I love video.

I'm an NFL guy.

Content begets content.

Video gives people a voice.

Everyone wants to be recognized.

If something excites you, go for it.

Today, technology asks too much of people.

I basically watch videos online all day long.

There's always going to be a place for YouTube.

Me, personally, I don't upload video to YouTube.

The telecom industry pretends like it's not getting paid.

To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey.

Google has a great product. They've built a great business.

I look at building business as a creative process that I enjoy.

YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.

Whenever you're the leader in any industry, you get more headlines.

There's something very satisfying about creating a tactile product.

The whole purpose of MixBit is to reuse the content within the system.

As long as I can remember, I was drawing or trying to create something.

In Delicious's case, it's a great brand that belongs in Silicon Valley.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

To see how YouTube has become part of pop culture, it's been just amazing.

Video is the most interesting and engaging way to share an idea with others.

The iPad - is that a phone or a computer? If I put it on my wall is it a TV?

If you're creating an entertainment site, you want the content to be the star.

You launch a site, and you see what works, and you continue to make it better.

Facebook and Twitter have a ton of information they're trying to make sense of.

Clothing, and the products that you buy, are really about how they make you feel.

Many large brands are now just marketing machines for what's being made offshore.

Consumers are increasingly programming their own entertainment and content experiences.

Video is universal and allows people around the world to communicate and exchange ideas.

I think Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the cornerstones of any social media strategy.

More than simply capturing brief moments in time, MixBit helps people bring stories to life.

We started YouTube to democratize video distribution. Now, we are democratizing video creation.

No matter what industry you're in, there will be naysayers. So you have to be your own champion.

Google is basically this idea that sites that link to other sites create a better way to search.

YouTube is committed to balancing the needs of the fan community with those of copyright holders.

When I started running cross-country and track in high school, literally every race was a failure.

Running helped me learn how to deal with failure, and failure is a big part of the Internet business.

When you have a group of engineers and designers, they are not exactly the best to deal with copyright law.

I was one of those kids who took apart their toys to see how they work, just to see what they were made up of.

CBS has received a strong and positive response from the YouTube community about the quality of its programming.

The power of digital distribution over physical retail outlets is you have a chance to create a global audience.

Approach your business partners with concepts that they can get their heads around, and try to respond to their needs.

YouTube provides a unique opportunity for all musicians to market and promote their music and directly engage their fans.

From time to time, I've experimented with sculpture or metal design. It's a good break from just sitting behind the keyboard.

EMI is a proven leader in the emerging digital music landscape and one of the world's largest and most respected music companies.

With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who dont necessarily get credit are the curators.

With YouTube - with the Internet in general - you have information overload. The people who don't necessarily get credit are the curators.

When people are making the decision to put a piece of content online, they really do truly want to get it in front of the largest audience.

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