I am a Patsy Cline fan.

Technically, I'm a New Yorker.

I eat stickers all the time dude!

Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.

I always have my best thoughts on the toilet.

The idea of doing stand-up is terrifying to me.

Both of my parents are actually music teachers.

Yeah, I've always considered myself a musical person.

Actors put ourselves in awkward positions all the time.

I'm not the biggest fan of comedies where nothing is real.

You do not have to be fearless, just don't let fear stop you.

My parents are more likely to know who Franz Liszt is than Snooki.

Thinking of Plan B muddies up your chances of succeeding at Plan A.

I have expanded my mind and destroyed my liver but I didn't give up.

People are demanding so much of me. They really want to pigeonhole me.

Sometimes even hearing a bad idea is a great way to get to a good idea.

I never saw myself as a comedian. I saw myself as a guy who can act funny.

Don't wait for your break, make your break. Go make it happen for yourself.

I don't think you should just do what makes you happy. Do what makes you great.

As an actor, sometimes you feel a pressure to change yourself from time to time.

Still when I go on talk shows, I worry that I have to live up to a comedic persona.

Growing up in Rhode Island, my friends would have strung me up if I had been a Yankees fan.

You live your comedic life close to the edge, you're gonna cross the line and offend people.

Occasionally it can be a little disappointing to see rock gods in their 60s or 70s up on stage.

I don't know any songs. People have asked me to play a song, and I say, "I don't know anything."

For the people who don't know, my character could described, in a nutshell, as the bar dumb-dumb.

I waited tables in New York, and when you're in that line of work, you often have a horrible boss.

I always was a funny guy, the class clown. I had a very funny dad and an extremely funny grandmother.

You're happy that people are seeing your work. As for the critics, it really hurts when they knock you.

I think we're all guilty of mistaking the actors we've seen over and over again - we think we know them.

I think people are surprised when I string two sentences together. But I had a fiercely academic upbringing.

I was a theater guy growing up and I wanted to be Al Pacino, and I think I just looked and sounded too funny.

I've never written anything that wasn't somewhat of a collaboration. I don't know how people do it on their own.

Writing is like pulling your hair out. You have nothing, and you can't think of anything, but you have to think of something.

I didn’t know that it was going to launch a quote-unquote comedic career. I just wanted to do anything other than wait tables.

Everyone knows what it's like to feel like the underdog. Everyone wants to be accepted. Ultimately, everybody wants to be loved.

I was the world's smallest man, covered in freckles with a squeaky, scratchy voice. And I still am, but I've learned to love myself.

I love Queen. Not all of it. Some of it, I can't get into. But "Don't Stop Me Now" is a pretty hilarious song. It's a good pick-me-up in the car.

In my theater days I assumed that you had to get rid of yourself to do a character well, and I don’t think I was a very good actor when I did that.

Because Guillermo's [del Toro] obviously a painter painting a picture and my job is just to provide the color that he probably already has in his mind.

As an actor, I think every moment in your life is giving you a new set of tools. You’re constantly absorbing new information that you can put back onto the screen.

I put myself in the category of "Lucky Guy," and my hopes for the future are that I can continue to push the envelope for myself, and creatively and see what's next.

Both of my parents are actually music teachers. I think I got to a certain age where I decided I'd rather be a baseball player than a musician. Now, like most kids, I regret it.

Well, you know, I don't think anyone who writes a television series has a master plan from the beginning, and knows all the character traits, and everything that's going to happen.

It doesn't really matter to me whether the 7-year-olds are big fans of my work. I'm happy just to be working at all. I do think it will be nice to have a movie that my son can watch.

Knowing that I'm not a model and I'm never going to be has relieved me of the pressure of looking good. If you don't establish yourself as McDreamy then you don't have to live up to it.

Hot soup at table is very vulgar; it either leads to an unseemly mode of taking it, or keeps people waiting too long whilst it cools. Soup should be brought to table only moderately warm.

I am a classical fan. I like Debussy a lot, so I was trying to learn it on the piano. I've learned like a third of it, but I think I'm getting to a section that may be beyond my skill level.

Everyone feels like an underdog, at some point in their life. Even the best-looking people and the most athletic probably have a phase in their life - a year or two - where they're awkward or they have braces.

Starting out, I bet I didn't get a lot of parts because of my strange voice. I'm not consciously thinking, 'Hey, sound like a squeaky dog toy mixed with a bagful of rusty nails.' It's just what my voice has done.

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