I used to hate being recognised.

I don't feel I have to share everything.

I was putting all those pressures on myself.

It's nice that we have all these different films.

There's always this thing of wanting to be elsewhere.

Wanting to do it was much more powerful than the fright.

I'm a very shy person towards my intimacy and private life.

When you love someone, you don't want them to suffer at all.

You don't even need the director's judgement. It's too much.

I hope I'll consider my next part, having learnt from this one.

The more sincere I could be, the better it would be for the film.

I like to play roles different from myself so I can hide behind them.

I couldn't do anything else, I enjoy it so much. But I find it tough.

There were always questions about my parents; I got so fed up with that.

I don't like being on my own. I'm happy meeting people and collaborating.

At the beginning it wasn't to do with the work, it was more the experience.

I hope one day I will be able to be completely myself. Maybe I'll be wilder.

When you fight against your own weaknesses, there's something embarrassing about it.

Maybe, in the back of my head, I'm thinking I have to do as much as I can. It'll stop.

In France, you're with the crew, and you have lunch with them. It's more like a family.

I went on television and I wouldn't say a word; I feel so stupid when I watch them again.

It's more than a job. It's very personal, so when you're hurt, you're really hurt inside.

I'm desperate to work again. I've often had those periods, but two years was the longest.

My father loved me and he wanted to work with me and he didn't care what people would say.

I wasn't getting the responses I hoped for. You can't protect yourself from other judgments.

I don't have a career plan. I've never done that. Things happen accidentally and I've been lucky.

The more you turn down things, the more difficult it becomes to feel that the next one will be right.

The problem with me in doing things simply is that I feel I'm not enough. It's all very embarrassing.

I hated seeing myself on screen. I was full of complexes. I hated my face for a very, very long time.

You think that being a girl is degrading, but secretly, you'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you?

I found it very difficult to explain to someone why you did a film. It's not like having a conversation.

I think I developed a very closed personality. I didn't really have friends. I changed schools every year.

Everyone gets the feeling that they know you and they know your life, and I felt really embarrassed by that.

I still find it hard to push my own limits. I know where my limits are and that I always have to push myself.

I would love to be able to do a film. I would love to be able to focus on what excites me in watching actors.

The character is close to me, except that I haven't lived through those situations, so it's not completely me.

The English was really my mother, it was never me. Being the daughter of my father, I always felt very French.

I wish I could just accept that I'm not that good and not be shy about the fact that I'm not that professional.

I came to understand that people come and see you because they like you. They don't come to throw things at you.

I don't want to feel that I'm a singer or an actress - being able to say that those are just experiences is what I enjoy.

I started so old, so the touring world will always be a foreign land for me. I'll never be someone who's "been on the road."

I was so lucky because I started working very young. And my father was very wealthy and I didn't need to work. I did my films.

Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that's the main thing for me to work on.

In France I'm very private, I don't like talking about my life, and I imagined that people would think that I'm now an open book.

I think, being an actress, you know that you're getting old. I'm 44. I mean, an agent said when I turned 40, "It won't get better."

I'd love to be able to write again, but I'm so repetitive. And it was all about fear. Never positive. Just indulgent about my sadness.

I haven't found a comfortable place onstage. I'm sure it doesn't have to be comfortable, but I'm very nervous, so I don't enjoy myself.

I love being a beginner. It can be a terrible feeling because you're ashamed of everything you do, but it's so exciting at the same time.

I didn't want to change my personality onstage, but I still had to build some kind of ego to be able to go up there. If not, there's no point.

I have ideas of subjects and atmospheres that I love. I either want to go in a tougher, stronger direction or do the opposite: simple ballads.

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