I think fear is a very healthy motivator.

My music tastes are often 20 years behind.

I can run a good few miles. I box a little.

I wouldnt be the same actor if I couldnt do theater.

I wouldn't be the same actor if I couldn't do theater.

I'm in favor of anything that promotes greener solutions.

When I first had my eyebrows waxed, I was pretty disturbed.

I was attracted to 'Half of a Yellow Sun' because of the story.

I think the crucial thing about being an actor is to be doing it.

It's hard to tell the story if you're not involved yourself, emotionally.

I was always lucky that I've always had a gig, I'm fortunate in that way.

In England, theres no acknowledgement the invention of slavery came from Britain.

In England, there's no acknowledgement the invention of slavery came from Britain.

We always want to live in an environment where there's no artificial block to good work.

The Second World War simplified things like race, and people came down on very clear lines.

I fell in love with film. I didn't start out to be a film actor. I wanted to be a theater actor.

I enjoy doing everything, comedy and drama. I just look for the characters really and what they offer.

I don't ever feel like I've had a moment where I am like, "There it is; perfect and holy in all ways."

All roads lead home in the end. You've got to keep that in mind always - in your work and in your life.

I like to disappear into a role. I equate the success of it with a feeling of being chemically changed.

Sometimes television can just jump from one bit of plot to the next, and the words fill in the in-between.

I was the classic middle child in some ways, the one who could have been a priest in an alternate universe.

I would love to be a fly on the wall watching other directors and actors to see what their process is like.

I'm constantly looking to see whether I look the same as I did earlier, whether I've put on or lost any weight.

Working in this industry, I do feel that science and creativity turned out to be a very useful combination for me.

I believe people instinctively know that about writing, yet people get confused about that when it comes to acting.

The only way to be an actor is to find ways to work as an actor, even if that means doing a one-man show by a river.

There's always something ridiculous happening on the set, especially when people get tired because of the long days.

Friends at school were always quite shocked that we holidayed in Nigeria, but it was all pretty middle-class, really.

Reporters tend to launch on what seems to be the clearest, most stark aspects of someone's life in terms of an interview.

That global poverty would end. That people would be able to eat. It's the worst shame in the world that people go hungry.

Different people approach the universe in different ways, but they also approach their own expectations in different ways.

I feel that audiences are very sophisticated, and part of my challenge is to keep them engaged because they are so complex.

Since I started acting, I always or often find work takes precedence with me. And that is not necessarily a great rule for life.

If you're looking at people like Patrice Lumumba, you are looking at people who had a very definite plan, and events overran them.

I was able to go on stage and work until it felt right or felt good. It meant that I very quickly realised that it was the job for me.

I am struck by how, walking down the street, I'm rarely made aware of my race, but that among journalists, race is absolutely massive.

I have always been very fortunate in my working life in terms of the, I say that like I've not been fortunate at all in my private life.

I love the theater community and theater life, and would love to figure out the distinctive differences between Broadway and the West End.

A lot of people ask me about my father's passing when I was young, which I'm never comfortable with. I invariably move around that subject.

I do like sci-fi. When I was a kid, I was always sort of locked into sci-fi stories. So, sci-fi has always had a special place in my heart.

I've always enjoyed doing a huge variety of roles, which I think helps, instead of settling for the things I might be most comfortable with.

I like to disappear into a role. I equate the success of it with a feeling of being chemically changed. That's the only way I can express it.

I'm constantly discovering things. Like Bobby Bland. Right now I suppose I'm into the Eighties, which turned out to be a great musical period.

The inherited tradition is that we don't tell stories about slavery from the perspective of the slave. It's told through the president or the lawyer.

My father, Arinze Ejiofor , was a musician and a doctor. Nobody's ever asked me about that combination and what growing up in that environment was like.

Id never really considered film. If Id thought about film more growing up, I probably would have changed my name. I had no concept of my name in lights.

I'd never really considered film. If I'd thought about film more growing up, I probably would have changed my name. I had no concept of my name in lights.

It's hard to maintain a life when you do a play. You feel you have to pretend to go through a normal day, knowing that in the evening you'll be doing this.

It's a strange thing, but you get this click in your brain; the wonderful feeling that the entirety of a character is suddenly available and accessible to you.

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