I'm not living in the past.

I hate using excuses, I hate doing excuses.

The one mindset I have is this title - title or bust.

I'm not in the sport to make money, but that's a big plus.

I don't have a muscle body. I don't have a chiseled frame.

I don't even pay attention to the odds, to be honest with you.

I'm a finisher. I'm a shark, and if I see blood, I'm gonna finish you.

I'm a Mexican fighter. I just like fighting. I like staying in the pocket.

We do cardio, core strength, lifting - and we train in the mornings, which I hate.

I feel like I'm a mature fighter, I have what it takes between my ears and in my heart.

Boxing is not a bodybuilding sport, plain and simple. Your body isn't going to win a fight.

There are those kind of fighters that just go in to get paid. That's not me, man. I have never been that guy.

You can't cut no days, you can't cut no corners, because you will feel it in the gym, you'll feel it in the sparring.

People have tried to keep me at bay with their jab, but once I put that pressure on, there is only so much you can do.

People really haven't seen me in good shape. I understand that. I created that by myself. There is no one else to blame but me.

The more you win, the more you get paid. I'm not trying to get paid less money. I've worked too hard to get into this tax bracket.

I stopped eating out so much. That just piles weight on you. I stay active now. Just taking a walk for 30-45 minutes can do wonders.

My motivation is to keep fighting, to keep putting food on my family's table, keep making a living off of boxing. That's my motivation.

As far as the weight is concerned, I feel great whatever it is. I'm going to be in there and I'm going to bang. I feel I'm in great condition.

In the past I would give myself a reason to have an excuse. I wouldn't show up at the gym. I wouldn't do what I'm supposed to do as a professional.

I like punching people and I like being punched, to be honest with you. What other thing could I do, beating people up and getting beat up, and get paid for it?

Not only am I at a decent fighting weight already, I don't let myself balloon anymore. I let myself get up to 280, 290 before. I can't believe I let myself do that.

I'm in boxing to be a champion and if I lose it brings me all the way back to the bottom, and I don't want to keep crawling back up. I'm too old to be doing that, man.

I can't be someone that I'm not. And people can spot when someone's being fake, when somebody's not being real, when somebody's sugar-coating stuff. People don't like that.

Vitali Klitschko clobbered me with jabs left and right. I believe he threw the most punches he had thrown in his career against me, and that's because I just kept coming with the pressure.

And it's a big honor to be fighting for the title and to put a Mexican-American on top of the heavyweight division. I can give a lot of people some kind of inspiration by winning this title.

I would love to fight someone like Dominic Breazeale next year. Him or the Polish guy, Adam Kownacki. That's more of an entertaining one. I love watching him fight. He smiles while he's fighting and I think that's the coolest thing to watch.

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